What Is SmartCash?
SmartCash is another digital currency forked from the zcoin venture and propelled in about not as much as a month back! While numerous are taking a gander at the gigantic increment in the cost of bitcoin and considering putting resources into bitcoin or other real cryptographic forms of money like Ethereum, LiteCoin, and so on, keen financial specialists are searching for altcoins that can possibly make it to the rundown of best 10 digital forms of money.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is SmartCash?
- Getting Started With SmartCash
- How To Get A SmartCash Wallet?
- SmartCash Resources
- How To Buy SmartCash?
- How To Earn SmartCash?
- What Is SmartCash Mining?
- Latest SmartCash News
Let's be realistic here; I myself am new to the universe of digital forms of money. The same goes for the vast majority of my perusers if not all! Truly we can't make as much benefit with the main 20 cryptographic forms of money as we can with the ones that will make it to the best 20 later on. With the ones on the highest priority on the rundown, the vast majority of us, if not every one of us, have officially missed the gathering!
The sum will rely upon what number of new coins are mined in the blockchain amid that month. As a rule, 15% of the new coins produced in the blockchain will go to long haul holder through SmartRewards! And you should simply to BUY SmartCash and HOLD!
The dissemination happens on the 25th of consistently. At the present time as I'm written work this article, there's around 40 a great many SMARTS in the SmartRewards wallet/deliver which will get circulated among the qualified speculators/holders in just about five days!
This one is a virtuoso and extremely brilliant course to take as I would see it. Keen Hive is a motivating force program which permits the group or any individual who holds smarts to have a say in regards to the destiny of the blockchain. This can be from how the financial plan for Smart Hives is overseen, to what highlights and applications are created by the head designers and in addition how advancements happen or how the coin is publicized to the majority and in addition speculators.

As a rule, 80% of the new coins are apportioned to Smart Hives which turns into the financial plan and everybody who holds smarts will get the opportunity to present a proposition and additionally vote on as of now submitted recommendations. Once a proposition is acknowledged by the group, the measure of money asked for by the proposition is then expelled from the financial plan and spent on actualizing the proposition, regardless of whether it's improvement, support, or advancement and commercial! I know! How cool is that, huh?
Approve so this one isn't generally called savvy security yet I'd get a kick out of the chance to call it shrewd protection! This is really called recharging and recovering coins. It's a fabulous component which enables you to essentially demolish your coins and get new ones for a little charge inside a few minutes. For what reason would you need to do that, you may inquire? The appropriate response is very basic as you may have gotten it as of now.
It's for security reasons. This procedure makes it inconceivable for anybody to track your coins through the blockchain. Your coins will be moved to a mysterious address where they are expended and afterward you get new coins a couple of minutes after the fact in your wallet, a similar way diggers get new coins! In the event that you do that, at that point nobody will have the capacity to track your coins through the blockchain!
Having said that, I'm not exactly beyond any doubt myself how this element precisely functions and whether it's conceivable to take a gander at somebody's wallet in the blockchain and figure whether they've utilized this component or not, particularly in the event that they're not an excavator but rather regardless it sounds like an exceptionally clever and flawless element I accept. Likewise, please remember that you can hold up significantly more than two or three minutes to recover your coins so will make the speculating that I'm discussing very outlandish, particularly in case you're a digger!
With conventional digital forms of money like bitcoin, miners get every one of the prizes in the blockchain. The people group will then need to do gathering pledges for advancement, bolster, advancement, and so on and will regularly get outsiders included who might possibly have any enthusiasm for working towards a superior future for the coin. With SmartCash be that as it may, things are entirely unexpected.
Miners just get 5% of the prizes and the rest as I clarified above are put aside for Smart Rewards(15%) and Smart Hives(80%). With a greatest supply of 5 billion coins, so far just around 250 million coins have been mined which is just around 5%!

So as should be obvious, there's a lot of time ahead, with a lot of new coins and spending plan to ensure that SmartCash remains enormously supported until(hopefully) it's turned out to be sufficiently huge that it won't require as much spending plan and financing as it does now. In what manner will the venture oversee after that you may inquire? The appropriate response is straightforward. A similar way customary digital currencies like bitcoin are overseeing now!
This is uplifting news for miners I presume. They can join the official pools in Europe or USA and pay 0% in charges while helping the group by mining new coins and getting 5% of the new coins straightforwardly in their wallet.
Some may contend this is as yet not adequate to remunerate the way that mineworkers just get 5% of the new coins and it would back mining off or may even put a stop to mining at some stage, yet actually with the current hashrate or trouble level, numerous diggers observe SmartCash to be an appealing resource and have been completing an enormous activity in the principal month of SmartCash's initiation. Ideally, once the hashrate or trouble level ascents, so will the market top and the cost of SmartCash which will enable the mining to procedure to proceed on and push ahead.
Getting Started With SmartCash
THE SMARTHIVE - Wanna get involved? The SmartHive has a place for folks of all backgrounds. Come hungry!
We believe ‘Core’ teams are a bad idea and something that ultimately leads to inefficiency and corruption. We want to move past it and create a decentralized organizational model inspired by ant and bee colonies.
In order to create and maintain a decentralized governance structure, we are introducing two concepts SmartHive and Hive Structuring Teams (HST). SmartHive enables anyone that holds coins can vote on proposals submitted by the community. SmartHive will be the lifeblood of the project, which will allow anyone to get involved and submit proposals, helping to generate organic growth at a grassroots level, creating a bottom-up management structure.
HIVE STRUCTURING TEAMS - The Hive Structuring Teams (HST) will lay the groundwork for the project and set the framework for the project’s evolution. Initially, the Hive Structuring Teams will operate three separate departments in charge of vital project areas, such as development, outreach and support. Each of these three departments will end up employing people. As teams grow larger, bigger than eight members, more teams will be created, each with its own budget and team coordinator, operating autonomously without a central command and control structure in place.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is SmartCash?
- Getting Started With SmartCash
- How To Get A SmartCash Wallet?
- SmartCash Resources
- How To Buy SmartCash?
- How To Earn SmartCash?
- What Is SmartCash Mining?
- Latest SmartCash News
The Hive Structuring Teams will consist of people directly involved in the project on a day to day basis, while the overall SmartHive will aim to enroll and engage community members and other 3rd parties interested in growing SmartCash into a global world wide currency.
SMARTVOTING - All Smartcash users deserve a voice, from day #1. That is why Smartcash is pioneering in the crypto-governance space and was built around Smarthive, the platform that lets all users vote on the direction of the project. More information will be released soon describing this platform in depth.
Basically, each SmartCash Token is worth 1 vote, to keep it simple.
SMARTREWARDS - SmartRewards are a price stabilization mechanism and a way to encourage long term holding. Long term holders are key to the project’s success since the SmartHive treasury needs SmartCash to appreciate in value in order to fund meaningful 3rd party proposals and help grow SmartCash into a successful global crypto-currency. Each wallet address holding at least 1000 SmartCash will get paid each 30 days on average after the 25th snapshot date. The SmartRewards will come out of the 15% block reward allocation.
Here is a small example: if you buy SmartCash on the 24th, you’ll have to wait until the next month to get paid, which is around 30 days, however if you buy on the 26th, after the snapshot date, you’ll have to wait around 60 days to get paid.
These payments will occur on the 25th of each month.
All users need to move funds into addresses larger than 1000 SMART before the 25th to be counted.
RENEW - Fungibility is a key stone of the SmartCash platform.
In order to achieve our end goal as a fungible and widely adopted currency, the Zerocoin implementation is the foundation best suited for reaching these goals. It provides users to create new coins via the Renew feature in exchange for older coins. These new coins have no history but are still viewable on a public ledger where all transactions can be displayed easily for all to see, which is key when implementing with merchant systems. This solution disables tracking from services like Coinfirm, and is faster than Coinjoin based mixing.
INSTANTPAY - InstantPay ensures SmartCash is always blazing fast, no matter what you are buying.
InstantPay is going to be a key feature that allows instant point-of-sale in-store and online purchases. People should be able to use cryptocurrency as means to pay for their daily needs. InstantPay makes that a reality and allows for transactions to happen instantly, even faster than using your Visa or Mastercard.
No matter if you want to buy a coffee at your favorite coffee shop, fill up your tank at the nearest gas station, buy a bus ticket or pay for a video download, InstantPay makes that a reality. This is currently not possible with Bitcoin due to its technological limitations and network constraints, which result in transaction delays and high fees.
How To Get A SmartCash Wallet?

Hi so you heard about Smartcash but don't know were to start first you'll need a wallet and i have already made alot more useful tutorials on my Steemit Page you can checkout HERE.
Step 1. So first you want to goto the webpage you see in the image above what is smartcash.cc
Step 2. click get Smartcash

Step 3. your page will look like these you'll see the three main operating systems and will need to click the one the suits your needs.

Step 4. now you'll see the wallet downloading as a zip in the bottom corner

Step 5. once done drag the icon or in your download directory to desktop for ez of use later. rightclick>extract

Step 6. now this should appear just hit extract.

Step 7. Once extracted a folder with the wallet should open up just open it

Step 8. now that you opened your wallet it should look something like this except at the bottom the blockchain is updating which is normal. once done updating your ready to use it and can get started mining with other tutorails on the profile your free to checkout i hope you have enjoyed

SmartCash Resources
How To Buy SmartCash?
You can purchase SmartCash using the following exchanges:

You can also get SmartCash and store into a wallet.
Or use a miner :
How To Earn SmartCash?
1. Go to the SmartCash website and click on 'Get SmartCash'

2. Click to download smartcash-qt for MacOs

3. Drag and drop the smartcash-qt icon into the Applications folder.

4. Go to Applications and right click on SmartCash, then click Open.

5. Your Mac will then ask your permission to open Smartcash - click to Open

6. Your wallet will then open and start to sync, this may take some time! If it gets stuck, close wallet and open again.

7. And now my wallet is synced and ready to start earning Smartcash!

Now That You Have Your SmartCash Wallet Set Up You Are Ready To Start Earning SmartCash! You Can Earn 40 SmartCash Every Day Just By Tweeting!
For full details on how the SmartCash giveaway works go to: https://smartcash.cc/twitter-giveaways/index.html
What Is SmartCash Mining?
1. Create a SmartCash Wallet address to receive payments.
Download the SmartCash Wallet client here.
You will find your SmartCash address under the Receive tab in the wallet.
2. Create a SmartCash Pool account.
Register here, or login if you already have an account
3. Download a miner.
SGMiner 5.3.4 (tpruvot): Download here
CCMiner 8.11 (KlausT): Download here
Unix :
SGMiner 5.5.5 (genesismining): Download Here
4. Run your miner.
sgminer-x64 -k keccak -o stratum+tcp://pool-us.smartcash.cc:3333 -u PoolUsername.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
ccminer -a keccak -o stratum+tcp://pool-us.smartcash.cc:3333 -u PoolUsername.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
./sgminer -k keccak -o stratum+tcp://pool-us.smartcash.cc:3333 -u PoolUsername.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
PoolUsername needs to be your username from this pool.
WorkerName can be any name of your choosing, to distinct one worker from another.
WorkerPassword can be any password of your choosing, and follows the worker.
Ex. -u Steve.Worker1 -p x
Latest SmartCash News
Smartcash To Exhibit At Blockchain For Africa Confab In Kenya
The Blockchain For Africa Conference is scheduled from 31st July to August 1st, 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya. More than 300 people from Africa and around the world will be in participation.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is SmartCash?
- Getting Started With SmartCash
- How To Get A SmartCash Wallet?
- SmartCash Resources
- How To Buy SmartCash?
- How To Earn SmartCash?
- What Is SmartCash Mining?
- Latest SmartCash News
This event which is being put together by Bitsoko, a Kenyan Blockchain Incubation company is focused on strategizing about how Africa can utilize the immense advantages of the Blockchain. Some of the speakers at the conference include Alakanani Itireleng of Satoshi Centre, Sinclair Skinner of Bitmari, John Wanani of Blockchain Africa Hub, Marc Kenigsberg of Bitcoin Chaser etc.

Smartcash’s Presence
Cryptotraveler of Smartcash is also attending and will be speaking on one of the panels. He will mount an exhibition table to provide briefs about Smartcash and encourage participants to download SMART wallets.
Whoever downloads a wallet will receive a Smartcash.cc T-shirt and a fraction of our token. He’ll be making more emphasis on our community governance and SMARTREWARD. The target is to plant Smartcash in the minds of participants and get them to buy some SMART Tokens.