What Is QASH?
QASH is a crypto token that is designed to be used for all services provided by the LIQUID PLATFORM and QUOINE’s existing exchange platforms as explained in this content. QASH also can be used as a Crypto Token to pay for any other services provided by other business entities. QUOINE will generally not limit the usage of QASH or the types of business entities that would like to use QASH for their business.
QASH is not intended to constitute a security in any jurisdiction. This white paper is not a solicitation for investment and does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction.
Please note that purchases of QASH are final and non-refundable.
Individuals, businesses, and other organizations should carefully weigh the risks, costs, and benefits of acquiring QASH.
You are not eligible to and you shall not purchase QASH through its token sale if you are a citizen or resident (tax or otherwise) of any country or state where the purchase of QASH or similar Crypto Token may be prohibited or the token sale is deemed to be not compliant with the applicable laws and regulations. In particular, if you are a resident of People’s Republic of China, you cannot purchase QASH through the token sale.
Purchases of QASH should be undertaken only by individuals, entities, or companies that have significant experience with, and understanding of, the usage and intricacies of Crypto Tokens and blockchain based software systems. Purchasers should have functional understanding of storage and transmission mechanisms associated with other Crypto Tokens. Any entities of QUOINE and officers and employees thereof will not be responsible in any way for loss of any Crypto Tokens, QASH or fiat currency resulting from actions taken by, or omissions of the purchasers. If you do not have the required experience or expertise, then you should not purchase QASH or participate in the sale of QASH.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is QASH?
- Getting Started With QASH
- How To Get A QASH Wallet?
- QASH Resources
- How To Buy QASH?
- Latest QASH News
You should carefully consider the risks, costs, and any other demerits of acquiring QASH, and, if necessary, obtain your own independent advice in this regard. If you are not in the position to accept nor to understand the risks associated with the token sale of QASH (including the risks related to the non-development of LIQUID PLATFORM) or any other risks as indicated in this content, you should not acquire QASH, until such that you have received the necessary independent advice.
The purchase of QASH carries with it significant risk. Prior to purchasing QASH, the purchaser should carefully consider the risks listed below and, to the extent necessary, consult a lawyer, accountant, and/or tax professional prior to determining whether to purchase QASH.
(a) QASH will be stored in a wallet, which can only be accessed with a password selected by the purchaser. If a purchaser of QASH does not maintain an accurate record of their password, this may lead to the loss of QASH. If your password protection is weak and it is cracked or learned by somebody else, this may also lead to the loss of QASH. As a result, purchasers must safely store their password in one or more backup locations that are well separated from the primary location.
(b) The purchaser recognizes that some of the services under the LIQUID PLATFORM is currently under development and may undergo significant changes before release. The purchaser acknowledges that any of its expectations regarding the form and functionality of the LIQUID PLATFORM may not be met for any number of reasons.
(c) The purchaser understands that while QUOINE will make best efforts to connect the LIQUID PLATFORM to most of the major Crypto exchanges around, it is possible that some exchanges may decline the connection with the LIQUID PLATFORM, which may result in the less liquidity provided through the LIQUID PLATFORM than expected in this content.
(d) The purchaser understands that while QUOINE will make best efforts to release the LIQUID PLATFORM on time, it is possible that the official release may be delayed.
(e) As with other Crypto Tokens, value of QASH may fluctuate significantly and become reduced in value for any number of reasons, including but not limited to, supply and demand, overall Crypto Tokens’ market conditions, political or geographical reasons, changes of regulations in any jurisdictions, and technical reasons.
(f) QASH will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, any malfunction or unexpected functioning of the Ethereum protocol may impact the purchaser’s ability to transfer or securely hold QASH. Such impact could adversely affect the value of QASH.
To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, QASH, any entities of QUOINE and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this content or any part thereof by you.
Any entities of QUOINE and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for your loss of QASH after it is transferred to you by any reason including but not limited to your failure to maintain or backup an accurate record of your password or password cracking by somebody due to your poor maintenance of your password.
QUOINE will do its best to launch its operations and develop LIQUID PLATFORM. Any person undertaking to acquire QASH acknowledges and understands however that QUOINE does not provide with any warranty as to the release of the LIQUID PLATFORM. They acknowledge and understand therefore that QUOINE (incl. its bodies and employees) assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage that would result from or relate to the incapacity to use the QASH.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is QASH?
- Getting Started With QASH
- How To Get A QASH Wallet?
- QASH Resources
- How To Buy QASH?
- Latest QASH News
Regulatory authorities are carefully scrutinizing businesses and operations associated to Crypto Tokens in the world. In that respect, regulatory measures, investigations or actions may impact QUOINE’s business and may limit or prevent it from developing its operations in the future. Any person undertaking to acquire QASH must be aware that QUOINE’s business model or LIQUID PLATFORM and its existing platforms may change or need to be modified because of new regulatory and compliance requirements from any applicable laws in any jurisdictions. In such case, purchasers and any person undertaking to acquire QASH acknowledge and understand that neither QUOINE nor any of its affiliate shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damages caused by such changes.
This materials or explanations made by QUOINE and its officers and employees shall not and cannot be considered as an invitation to enter into an investment. They do not constitute or relate in any way nor should they be considered as an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. This content does not include nor contain any information or indication that might be considered as a recommendation or that might be used as a basis for any investment decision.
Neither QUOINE nor any of its officers and employees are to be or shall be considered as advisor in any legal, tax or financial matters.
Acquiring QASH shall not grant any right or influence over QUOINE’s organization and governance to the purchasers.
QUOINE does not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in this content.
By participating in the token sale of QASH, the purchasers represent and warrant to QUOINE as follows:
(a) you are authorized and have full power to purchase QASH according to the laws that apply in your jurisdiction of domicile;
(b) you are solely responsible for determining whether the acquisition of QASH is appropriate for you;
(c) You are not acting as an agent on behalf of any other person or entity who wish to purchase QASH or participate in its token sale;
(d) You have carefully considered the risks, costs, and any other demerits of acquiring QASH and understood such the risks, costs, and any other demerits associated with QASH and its token sale;
(e) you are not acting for the purpose of speculative investment;
(f) you agree and acknowledge that QASH does not constitute securities in any form in your jurisdiction;
(g) you agree and acknowledge that this content does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities in your jurisdiction or a solicitation for investment in securities;
(h) you agree and acknowledge that no regulatory authority has examined or approved of the information set out in this content, no such action has been or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements or rules of any jurisdiction and the publication, distribution or dissemination of this content to you does not imply that the applicable laws, regulatory requirements or rules have been complied with;
(i) you agree and acknowledge that this content, the undertaking and/or the completion of the QASH token sale, or future trading of QASH on any cryptocurrency exchange, shall not be construed, interpreted or deemed by you as an indication of the merits of QUOINE or QASH;
(j) the distribution or dissemination of this content, any part thereof or any copy thereof, or acceptance of the same by you, is not prohibited or restricted by the applicable laws, regulations or rules in your jurisdiction, and where any restrictions in relation to possession are applicable, you have observed and complied with all such restrictions at your own expense and without liability to QUOINE;
(k) you agree and acknowledge that in the case where you wish to purchase any QASH, it is not to be construed, interpreted, classified or treated as:
- (i) any kind of currency other than cryptocurrency;
- (ii) debentures, stocks or shares issued by QUOINE
- (iii) rights, options or derivatives in respect of such debentures, stocks or shares;
- (iv) rights under a contract for differences or under any other contract the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss;
- (v) units in a collective investment scheme;
- (vi) units in a business trust;
- (vii) derivatives of units in a business trust; or
- (viii) any other security or class of securities.
(l) you have a good understanding of the operation, functionality, usage, storage, transmission mechanisms and other material characteristics of cryptocurrencies, blockchain-based software systems, cryptocurrency wallets or other related token storage mechanisms, blockchain technology and smart contract technology;
(m) you are fully aware and understand that in the case where you wish to purchase any QASH, there are risks associated with QUOINE and its business and operations;
(n) you agree and acknowledge that QUOINE is not liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this content or any part thereof by you;
(o) you will not use the token sale for any illegal activity, including but not limited to money laundering and the financing of terrorism; and
(p) all of the above representations and warranties are true, complete, accurate and non-misleading from the time of your access to and/or acceptance of possession this content or such part thereof (as the case may be).
QUOINE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this content and the terms at any time during the sale by posting the amendment on the LIQUID website. Any purchaser will be deemed to have accepted such changes by purchasing QASH. If at any point you do not agree to any portion of the then-current version of this content and the terms, you should not purchase QASH.
This content includes market and industry information and forecasts that have been obtained from internal surveys, reports and studies, where appropriate, as well as market research, publicly available information and industry publications. Such surveys, reports, studies, market research, publicly available information and publications generally state that the information that they contain has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there can be no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of such included information.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is QASH?
- Getting Started With QASH
- How To Get A QASH Wallet?
- QASH Resources
- How To Buy QASH?
- Latest QASH News
QUOINE has not conducted any independent review of the information extracted from third party sources, verified the accuracy or completeness of such information or ascertained the underlying economic assumptions relied upon therein. Consequently, any entities of QUOINE and officers and employees thereof do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall not be obliged to provide any updates on the same.
Getting Started With QASH
Each day, more and more token issuers are experiencing cyber-attacks, hacks, and impersonators which have led to multimillion dollars’ worth of theft. This is because current ICO platforms do not have the proper security measures in place for purchasers to deposit and transfer their funds.
Deposits are typically transferred from one ETH address to another without proper KYC checks, often using a single publicly announced address for purchasers to send their funds. Hackers and scammers take advantage of this by posting fake ETH addresses on forums, and unsuspecting token purchasers end up transferring crypto to the hackers' addresses.
To ensure this does not happen with QASH Token Sale, we have placed stringent, preventative measures to ensure a safe, secure, and compliant process for all token participants by carrying out our Token Sale only through our secure ICO and trading platform, QRYPTOS.
LIQUIDITY, the lifeblood of every industry, is the single most important element lacking in the crypto economy today.
The only available resources of liquidity are siloed across:
Developed markets that have standalone exchanges operating in closed pools of liquidity, which are not available to non-residents.
Emerging markets which are underserved with illiquid local currencies that must interact with bigger liquidity pools to utilize crypto tokens in their home currencies.

Solution: LIQUID Platform
QUOINE is launching a single globally-sourced trading platform (World Book) with an associated suite of services (Prime Brokerage) that brings together the entire global network of cryptocurrency exchanges to enable the highest level of liquidity to all markets.

QUOINE's LIQUID platform is a financial utility that will benefit the entire crypto economy. A platform where token issuers, token holders, innovators, and users of next generation financial services all benefit and contribute to Liquidity.

We envision QASH to be the preferred payment token for financial services, like the Bitcoin for financial services.
As more financial institutions, fintech startups and partners adopt QASH as a method of payment, the utility of QASH will scale, fueling the Fintech revolution.

Token Allocation and Use of Proceeds

How To Get A QASH Wallet?
Add QASH to Your Ledger Nano
So you heard about cryptocurrencies from a friend, and you bought QUOINE’s QASH token. They’re sitting on an exchange and you want to deposit the QASH into your hardware wallet. Here’s how you do it!
First get some QASH from an exchange. I use QRYPTOS, and my account looks like the screenshot below. On QRYPTOS, you’ll need to get your account approved before you’re able to withdraw any currency. For reference, I waited 3 business days for my account verification, and I’m based in the US.

Familiarize yourself with the account screen. Clicking on each cryptocurrency on the left panel shows your deposit and withdrawal options for that particular cryptocurrency. If you click on QASH, you’ll see an“Add Crypto Address” link in the Withdraw panel. Before adding an address, you’ll need to create a QASH-compatible wallet to deposit your coins into. Since QASH is an ERC-20 token, it works with the Ledger Nano Ethereum wallet. You simply need to create a custom token in your Ledger Ethereum wallet first. Let’s go create one!
QASH Resources
How To Buy QASH?
After the successful ICO Tokens sales, on November 6th that finished on the 9th. QASH is now listed on exchanges QRYPTOS and QUOINEX. The new crypto currency comes with the ideia of making the non-liquid crypto currency market, liquid.
QASH is a project run by people who has experience on working on FINTECH. The team have more than 250 years of experience combined.
The total amount of Tokens sold were 350.000.000, with 100M USD raised. They got oversubscribed, in only 3 days.
The price for 1 QASH token was 0.001 ETH. About 0,29 USD. Now it is available for 0,50 USD and that still a very good entry price.
On November 21st QASH was listed to trade on QRYPTOS and QUOINE exchanges.
QASH volume of trade in the first 24 hours was incredible high, and they were listed on the TOP 30 on volume trades, that with only two exchanges doing QASH trade, QRYPTOS and QUOINEX.
You only can purchase QASH thru the following platforms. On December 1st they aiming more exchanges to carry QASH.
QRYPTOS - Is a platform to trade only crypto currencies, and it works for launching ICO as well. QRYPTOS has really small taxes and percentages, almost ZERO. To get QASH on QRYPTOS is pretty easy. First you got to have any of the cryptocurrencies bellow, that are supported on QRYPTOS. After that you create an account on QRYPTOS.COM. Choose the 2 steps passwords and your e-mail. Inside QRYPTOS you are going to have to finish your profile. You can upload your documents thru the platform. It takes about four hour to have your account review. Then, you are going to choose the same cryptocurrency that you own and transfer them to QRYPTOS. After that you can trade for other crypto currencies, or buy some QASH. You can transfer any of these cryptocurrencies to QRYPTOS and buy QASH. MONERO, BITCOIN, STELLAR, DASH, ZCASH, RIPPLE, ETHEREUM, ETHEREUM CLASSIC, LITE COIN.
*Always make sure you transfer your crypto currency for the same crypto currency wallet on the platform. If you do not transfer for the same crypto currency for the same wallet currency inside the platform you might lose your crypto.
QUOINEX - Once you have your QRYPTOS account set up, you can download QUOINEX APP and use the same login for both platforms. At QUOINEX you are able to trade FIAT. The following FIATs are available on QUOINEX. AUD, JPY, USD, IDR.
BINANCE - Available soon (December 1st if possible)
BITFINEX - Available soon (December 1st, if possible)
CEX - Available soon (December 1st, if possible)
Is always good to know information about the crypto do you want to trade. QASH is an ETHEREUM platform based coin. They are preparing for 2019 that QASH has it´s own Blockchain.
Please, for more information about QASH check LIQUID PLUS website. Join the QUOINE/QASH Telegram group. Don´t forget to download QASH White Paper (wp) and know more about ongoing projects. It´s an excellent project that you would like to join for a long term.
Latest QASH News
LIQUID QASH analysis in detail ($QASH)
The Liquid Qash project - ran by Quoine Pte. Ltd. - wants to connect as many crypto exchanges as possible to create a liquidity pool. Users from one exchange will be able to trade with users from any of the other connected exchanges. For instance if gdax and bitfinex are connected to Liquid Qash, a gdax user selling 500 ETH can have its order matched with a bitfinex user buying ETH - the most amazing thing is that this match can be done even if the buyer and seller trade on different currency pairs (Liquid Qash's world book will do the currency exchange and it will be transparent to the user). Effectively, Liquid Qash's world book will unite order books from various crypto exchanges and will be "currency-agnostic".
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is QASH?
- Getting Started With QASH
- How To Get A QASH Wallet?
- QASH Resources
- How To Buy QASH?
- Latest QASH News

The Liquid Qash project - ran by Quoine Pte. Ltd. - wants to connect as many crypto exchanges as possible to create a liquidity pool. Users from one exchange will be able to trade with users from any of the other connected exchanges. For instance if gdax and bitfinex are connected to Liquid Qash, a gdax user selling 500 ETH can have its order matched with a bitfinex user buying ETH - the most amazing thing is that this match can be done even if the buyer and seller trade on different currency pairs (Liquid Qash's world book will do the currency exchange and it will be transparent to the user). Effectively, Liquid Qash's world book will unite order books from various crypto exchanges and will be "currency-agnostic".