What Is DigiByte?
DigiByte is a public, rapidly growing and highly decentralized blockchain. DigiBytes are digital assets that cannot be destroyed, counterfeited or hacked, making them ideal for protecting objects of value like currency, information, property or important digital data.
DigiBytes can be sent over the DigiByte Blockchain and forever recorded on an immutable public ledger that is decentralized on thousands of computers across the planet.
- Highly secure & scalable
- Industry-leading transaction speeds
- Tried & tested technology over 4 years
- Manageable units ready for mass adoption
- Active development team & known founder
What makes DigiByte More Secure?
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is DigiByte?
- Getting Started With DigiByte
- How To Get A DigiByte Wallet?
- DigiByte Resources
- How To Buy DigiByte?
- What Is DigiByte Mining?
- Latest DigiByte News
Global Decentralization - The DigiByte blockchain is spread over a 100,000+ servers, computers, phones, and nodes worldwide.
5 Mining Algorithms - DigiByte uses five secure and advanced cryptographic mining algorithms to prevent mining centralization compared to single algorithm blockchains.
Advanced Difficulty Stability - Difficulty adjustments protect a blockchain from several forms of malicious attacks. By creating and implementing DigiShield & MultiShield, DigiByte has the most advanced difficulty stability of any blockchain in the world today.
What makes DigiByte Faster?
15 Second Blocks - DigiByte has the fastest block speed of any public UTXO blockchain in the world today with 15 second block timings.
Early SegWit Implementation - Segregated witness allows for several innovations to occur on top of the DigiByte blockchain such as cross chain transactions and single confirmation transactions.
Blockchain Rigidity - DigiByte transactions, unlike other transactions on other blockchains, are limited in size and scope to increase speed, efficiency, and throughput. Most importantly this maintains security.
What makes DigiByte Forward Thinking?
Cybersecurity - DigiByte Blockchain technology can be leveraged and applied to applications, fixing 90% of the most common vulnerabilities affecting the internet today.
IOT Devices - The future of DigiByte includes the focus of applying DigiByte security to IOT devices and services that require robust communications.
Artificial Inteligence - By combining advancements in DigiByte Blockchain technology with artificial intelligence, we are exploring new innovations in automation and data analysis.
What makes DigiByte Different?
The DigiByte Blockchain is perfectly positioned towards building a secure and decentralized digital future with its unique combination of problem solving experience, pioneering new innovations and resilience through 4 full-time years of development.
Full-time Founder - Jared Tate created and dedicated full-time development towards DigiByte since becoming one of the few blockchain founders who went public in 2014.
Tried & Tested Technology - The DigiByte blockchain has been battle-hardened and tested for over 4 years now, based on the most proven blockchain technology.
Industry Leading Transaction Speeds - With quicker confirmation times, DigiByte transactions are one of the fastest ways to send value using a blockchain.
Not An ICO - DigiByte has never been funded through an ICO, presale or token sale, nor is there a private company controlling the DigiByte Blockchain in line with our vision for a decentralized digital future.
Multi Algorithm Mining - DigiByte was one of the first and currently active blockchains to hard fork from a single mining algorithm to 5 mining algorithms.
Use Cases Nominated in Public Competitions - DigiByte technology has been presented to governments, corporations and banks to emphasize the benefits of a decentralized future.
Manageable Units - While limited in total number, DigiBytes are much more available than other blockchains units. A total of 21 billion DigiByte will be created within 21 years, with each DigiByte being divisible to 8 decimal places.
Early To Implement Industry Critical Features - DigiByte development has shown industry-leading firsts over the last four years including Digishield, MultiAlgo, MultiShield and SegWit. This attribute will remain a focus in all future development.
World's Longest Major Blockchain - Growing to 5 million blocks, the DigiByte blockchain has encountered and overcome scalability issues not yet seen by most other major blockchains. These innovations will continue into ongoing development.
Large Community - DigiByte has one of the largest, most engaged and decentralized community in today's blockchain space, adding new users every day.
Successful Trials on Decentralized Exchanges - DigiByte has been successfully traded on decentralized exchanges as a key step towards a decentralized digital future.
More Resistant to Hacking Control - DigiByte security is far more resilient to a 51% attack than other leading blockchains, making it an ideal asset for protecting valuable data.
Getting Started With DigiByte
DigiBytes are digital units or "digital assets" that cannot be destroyed, counterfeited or hacked, making them ideal for digitally representing objects of value like currency, information, property or important digital data.
Getting Your First DigiBytes
Step 1 Download A DigiByte Wallet - Navigate to the download section of this website and choose the wallet that you would like to start with. The "core" desktop wallets are considered to be the most stable and most secure as they are what is called "full nodes."
Step 2 Option Buy DigiBytes On An Exchange - The easiest way to acquire your first DigiBytes is to purchase them on an exchange. Two exchanges most people start with are Poloniex.com or Bittrex.com
Typically you will need to use your fiat currency to purchase Bitcoin first and then trade Bitcoin for DigiBytes on the above-mentioned exchanges.
Step 2 Option Accept DigiByte As Payment - You can begin accepting DigiBytes as payment for any kind of goods or services you sell. All you need to do is download a wallet and send a person paying you a DigiByte address.
Step 2 Option Earn DigiBytes By Mining - You can begin earning DigiBytes by contributing your computing power to a process that is known as mining. Mining is how new DigiBytes enter circulation.
How To Get A DigiByte Wallet?
The DigiByte Core Wallet is the primary wallet used for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
Anybody can run the DigiByte Core Wallet, and get started with sending / receiving DigiByte in seconds!
This guide will take you through installing the wallet and finding your DigiByte address so you can begin receiving DigiByte.
Step 1)
Head over to the DigiByte Website and download the wallet
– Visit www.digibyte.co and click on “Choose Wallet”
– Select the wallet for your operating system. If you’re a Windows user and unsure, start with “Windows 32-Bit”.

Step 2)
Install the Wallet
– Follow through the installation, accepting the defaults is perfectly fine
Step 3)
Open up DigiByte Core Wallet
– It will tell you it’s going to take a while to sync, this is OK to hide.
– If it tells you it’s going to take 10 years, there is an issue in DigiByte Core Wallet 6.14.2. Try leaving the DigiByte Core Wallet open on your PC overnight and it should complete the blockchain download (Approx 4GB)

Step 4)
Locate your DigiByte receiving address
– This is also known as your “Public Key” or “Public Address”. This is what you will give out to people to receive DigiByte.
– Click on File –> Receiving Addresses
– Right-click where it says “(no label)” and choose “Edit”. Give your wallet a label, such as “Main wallet address” and click “OK”.
– Click on your “Main wallet address” and choose “Copy” from the bottom.

Congratulations! You’re now ready to take your DigiByte Wallet Address and give it to somebody to receive your first DigiByte. However, before we go any further we’re going to make a backup.
Step 5)
Backup your Wallet somewhere safe
– Go to File –> Backup Wallet
– Save it to your Desktop
– Now you’ll want to email this to yourself, store it on your dropbox, save it to a USB drive and take it somewhere else safe. If you lose this “Wallet.dat” file, your DigiByte will never, ever be able to be retrieved.
– Presume that your PC will one day be lost, stolen, or crash, you need this somewhere remotely saved so that you can recover it later on down the track.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is DigiByte?
- Getting Started With DigiByte
- How To Get A DigiByte Wallet?
- DigiByte Resources
- How To Buy DigiByte?
- What Is DigiByte Mining?
- Latest DigiByte News
DigiByte Resources
- Official Website
- Telegram Alerts
- Telegram Official
- DigiExplorer
- DigiHash Mining
- IRC Chat
- BitcoinTalk Thread
- Telegram Support
- Telegram Marketing
- Telegram Mining
- Telegram Developers
- Telegram N. America
- Telegram Europe
How To Buy DigiByte?
DigiByte (DGB) is a rapidly growing global blockchain with a focus on cybersecurity for digital payments & decentralized applications. Over 4 years, DigiByte has become the world's fastest, longest and most decentralized UTXO blockchain today.
HitBTC is one of the most popular crypto currency exchanges, judging by the Bitcoin trading volume. Other than that they offer a wide variety of allcoins, much like Bittrex.

While being a well-established exchange, HitBTC does not officially provide information on the country in which they are based. Some reports link them to Europe, while others suggest Hong Kong. We aren’t certain at this point, but what we are sure is that they are no regulated.

The majority of the companies in the crypto-space are not regulated, which always brings a bit of worry, when dealing with them. Most regulatory agencies, like the UK’s FCA, do not recognize such entities as which they should monitor (yet). HitBTC is also not registered as a payment provider, as it only provides banking services to “institutional investors and major market makers”.
HitBTC was hacked in early 2016, but didn’t provide much information on the incident. While users haven’t complained at that particular event, a lot of negative feedback is available in the forums. The reported issues are of all types, from a slow verification procedure, to coins “lost”, to not allowing withdrawals, to … basically every problem one can imagine. On top of that, there are claims the BTC volume at this exchange is artificially increased.

Trading conditions
There are over 150 digital assets available at HitBTC. Most of them are traded against Bitcoin and Ethereum. When it comes to the (fiat) currencies, some coins are traded versus the UDST (USD Tether, a cryptocurrency, backed by real dollars) and even fewer against EUR.
Minimum initial deposit
The minimum deposit at HitBTC is everything above the given coin’s network fee. This is quite obvious to experienced traders, but may not be for newbies. Given the fact the company does not accept fiat currency deposits from most clients, mentioning a USD level will not make much sense.
Trading on leverage is not allowed at HitBTC. While some traders would enjoy such a service, this is not necessarily a “must”, as cryptocurrencies tend to be very volatile. In comparison, the “traditional” currencies fluctuate by very small amounts, and great leverage ratios are required in order to achieve meaningful day trading results. Some forex brokers even go a bit out of hand, providing 1:500 in leverage.
HitBTC charges 0.10% in trading fees from those who buy/sell from the first available bid/ask, the so called market “takers”. On the other hand traders who provide liquidity (by placing their own bids and asks) are paid a 0.01% rebate. These are very competitive commissions, given the fact some companies charge fees from market makers, instead of giving them rebates. Nowadays the taker fee goes as high as 0.25% for the traders operating with low volumes.
If you only want to speculate on the future value of Bitcoin and not bother with owning the actual coins, you can alternatively try one of the forex brokers, which provides bitcoin trading. The fees there are included in the spread, which makes them a bit harder to compare, to the ones provided by exchanges. You can read our full side-by-side comparison of the two services here.
Trading platform
HitBTC offers a web-based platform, something which is common among crypto-exchanges. While this has the obvious drawback of increasing your browser’s resource consumption (mostly RAM nowadays), it does still allow you to access your account from any device. This is not the case with leading forex trading platforms, like MetaTrader4 (MT4). That being said, the layout available at HitBTC is fairly nice.
Here is a preview Charting is provided by TradingView and a pop-up feature is provided for more detailed analysis. The instrument list is placed next to it and more importantly it is devided into four categories. The order book also looks neat, placed at in the bottom of the page. One of the most unique features of HitBTC is the “chatbox”, appropriately called the “Trollbox”. Despite the content not being very sophisticated, the functionality may come in handy, when a major news story breaks-out, as at least some traders will share what they have found.
Methods of payment
HitBTC only accepts bank transfers from institutional level clients. The regular traders/investors must transfer their crypto-assets directly. Wallets are provided for every major coin, available at HitBTC, which means basically every major coin.
HitBTC is a popular cryptocurrency exchange. It provides trading in over 150 different coins, with new ones being added constantly.
What Is DigiByte Mining?
DigiByte mining is the process in which new DigiBytes enter circulation on the global network. This process is carried out through a process known as proof of work. POW is considered the most secure method of ensuring trust and security on the blockchain.
Mining is conducted by donating your computing power to process aka mine "blocks" of transactions on the network. You will need either a CPU, GPU, or ASIC hardware attached to your computer to mine DigiByte. You will also need specialized mining software and a DigiByte wallet.
You have two options when it comes to mining; you can choose to solo mine or mine on your own from your own computer or you can join something known as a mining "pool." Mining pools are by far the most popular method used today.
A mining pool is the pooling of resources by miners, who share their processing power over a network, to split the reward equally, according to the amount of work they contributed to solving a block.
Since mining is often attributed to something like the lottery, solo mining often does not give you a high chance of solving a block, especially with low hash rates.
With DigiByte you have the ability to choose to mine on five separate algorithms. These algorithms include; sha256, skein, qubit, groestl and scrypt. Each algorithm is better suited to different types of mining hardware. Sha256 & scrypt are now almost exclusively mined by advanced "ASIC" miners. Skein and groestl are good for GPU's and qubit is a combination of multiple types of hardware.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is DigiByte?
- Getting Started With DigiByte
- How To Get A DigiByte Wallet?
- DigiByte Resources
- How To Buy DigiByte?
- What Is DigiByte Mining?
- Latest DigiByte News
Specialized mining hardware can be quite costly and often times it is simply better just to purchase DigiBytes if you do not already own right computing hardware such as a gaming graphics card.
Once you have chosen your mining hardware and mining algorithm you will need to configure your miner. depending on your operating system, hardware and other factors there are literally tens of thousands of possible configurations for your miner.
You will also need to download a special mining software for the algorithm, hardware and operating system you are using. There are several open source options to choose from when selecting mining software.
It is not uncommon to spend several days before you have fully optimized your miner and mining software. Google is your friend to help make this process as easy as possible.
Once you have configured everything the next step is to choose a mining pool so you have the best chance of earning DigiBytes. DigiHash is a great mining pool to start with because it is supported by the DigiByte foundation and part of the reward goes back to maintaining the network.
Start with CPU mining to learn the process.
Mining can be difficult to get started.
Specialized mining hardware can be very expensive.
There are tens of thousands of possible mining configurations.
Mining can be a fun endeavor to learn about blockchain technology.
Latest DigiByte News
DigiByte decentralized digital currency that can rebound in price.
Digital currencies are created with different purposes, developers interpret and focus on a need in order to solve a problem, used on the internet is a means of exchange, with properties very different from fiat money, it also allows instant transactions and transfers of property without borders, with cryptocurrencies you can buy physical goods and services, although they can also be restricted to a particular community, such as a social network or to be used in online games.
In this sense, digital currencies such as bitcoin are known as decentralized digital currencies, which mentions that there is no central point that controls the supply of money. Another reason for the creation of cryptocurrencies is based on the possibility of offering a technology that can track the traceability of each transaction, that is to say that with the blockchain it is possible to comply with the creation of a Decentralized Ledger, open to any audit, by any person at a global level, there are no secrets, everything is registered, for posterity.