What Is Cryptonex?
Cryptonex platform (hereinafter "Cryptonex") is developed as international acquiring and it is based on the blockсhain technology. Instead of traditional methods, such as venture investments and share issue, financial model of cryptofinancing ICO – Initial Coin Offering - is used for capital rising.
We are convinced that the blockchain technology can speed up development of economic coparticipation, which is currently solving the sphere's problems by attracting a significant number of previously unclaimed people. The safe system based on blockchain technology is protected against unauthorized access. Users can convert fiat money to any cryptocurrencies and tokens, as well as spend cryptocurrency with the help of bank cards and mobile applications with contactless payments.
Cryptonex is developed as an open source code platform. To account property rights, cryptocurrency of the same name Cryptonex, ticker CNX is used. Cryptocurrency Cryptonex will be in free trade on centralized exchanges in October–November 2017, as soon as the backoffice and the web wallet are launched.
Blockchain is a fundamentally new kind of database technology realization. It is optimized to solve a certain set of shortcomings of other similar technologies. Traditionally, databases have been created as centralized repositories for data processing and transactions conducting. Limited technical capabilities and security issues are the reason of distributed databases rare functioning.
Blockchain is a technology for distributed databases realization, allowing to carry out transparent and safe transactions between participants of the system. By itself, blockchain is a database, founded on collating of distributed copies of the same database and divided into blocks of transactions between two or more parties. Each block contains transaction details, but the participants remain anonymous.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Cryptonex?
- Getting Started With Cryptonex
- How To Get A Cryptonex Wallet?
- Cryptonex Resources
- How To Buy Cryptonex?
- What Is Cryptonex Mining?
- Latest Cryptonex News
The blocks are checked and verified by the entire network with the help of encryption mechanism, which compares unique signatures of the parties and the general information about a transaction. The transaction is considered confirmed if the result is the same for all the nodes. Addition to the chain of previous transactions occurs only after the confirmation. Otherwise,"consensus" will correct the result on the node with the false data. A register of blockchain is duplicated simultaneously in many places and each copy is updated separately in accordance with the data on new transactions.
Encryption is used in blockchain to confirm transactions by verifying the signatures of the parties, participating in a transaction. This guarantees the absence of «false» operations, which are not agreed by the parties involved. Complex mathematical calculations ("hashing") are performed with each attempt to enter information into the blockchain. They deal with the details of a current transaction, the data about the participants and the results of previous operations.
Dependence of a blockchain current state on the previous transactions ensures impossibility of their replacement by hackers. In case of hash sum mismatch and discrepancy with the results of all the rest nodes, the changed data is discarded.
Blockchain is a distributed database, maintained and synchronized by interaction of multiple nodes (for example, by several partners, participating in frequent operations with each other). Transaction is added to the blockchain only if transaction data have been confirmed by all the parties. This means, that all the participants can access to one and the same information. It significantly increases the level of openness and transparency in comparison with the traditional systems. Their work often relies on various "hidden" databases, located behind firewalls, which are not available outside of a particular organization.
Support and maintenance of numerous copies of blockchain database is not less expensive than service of one centralized database. Practice confirms, that the parties, performing transactions, duplicate databases with one and the same information of an operation. Often this information differs and leads to costly, time-consuming negotiations between the organizations. Blockchain cancels the necessity of manually checks, which allows saving time and funds.
Market Analysis
Currently, the cryptocurrency market is constantly expanding, increasing capitalization and offering new channels of investments for its participants. In this analysis, we highlight the key moments of the cryptocurrency industry development to form understanding of ongoing processes, causes and effective relationships.
Since 2013, the price of Bitcoin has increased 90–100 times up to $1100 per unit. The industry experts consider the Cyprus banking crisis to be one of the main reasons for the cryptocurrency value growth, however, after a rapid rise, there was a predictable fall in the rate. The start of cryptopayments receiving in the local market caused an increase of Chinese players’ interest.
The rising attractiveness of the cryptocurrency as an object of alternative investments stopped the fall in the rate and led to Bitcoin strengthening. The Bitcoin price was more expensive in China than in other countries. As a result, there appeared plenty of speculative schemes and "black" methods of trading. The government did not like such kind of activity, and by the end of the year the Central Bank of China had forbidden cryptocurrency operations and recommended the investors not to invest their funds. Bitcoin instantly reacted by a two-fold collapse in value.
It is noteworthy, that by the end of 2013, 1,000 the market participants had owned half of all the assets. This also facilitated destabilizing of the situation at the cryptocurrency market. Such fluctuations attracted mass media attention. As a result, there was an impetus to the development, mining popularization and new cryptocurrencies creation. use the currency in economics; however, the overall level of trust was extremely low.
One of the main reasons was security issue. It is worth remembering the example of Japanese exchange Mt.Gox, that lost $473 million because of the hacker attack. In 2015, despite the sharp ups and downs of the previous year, Bitcoin strengthened to $450, and in 2016 its value reached $900 per unit. It was facilitated by the increase of payments in Bitcoins around the world, devaluation of the Yuan, and growing demand of the Chinese investors, who found the way to bypass the currency control of the government.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Cryptonex?
- Getting Started With Cryptonex
- How To Get A Cryptonex Wallet?
- Cryptonex Resources
- How To Buy Cryptonex?
- What Is Cryptonex Mining?
- Latest Cryptonex News
Not the last influence was rendered by the fact that despite difficulties in interaction efficiency Chinese exchanges did not collect commission for transactions. This formed a convenient environment for high-frequency trading and rising of exchange trade turnover on the cryptocurrency market. However, the Central Bank of China warned the investors again, and later announced the audit of a number of exchanges for providing financial stability of processes.
The exchanges temporary restricted funds withdrawal, introduced commission for conversion and suspended the margin trade, resulting in the Bitcoin rate fall from $1,100 to $800. The Bitcoin capitalization increase and growing interest of the world community led to new cryptocurrencies creation. The top five places were occupied by such altcoins as Litecoin, Ripple (XRP), Ethereum and Dash. The number of fraudulent SCAM-projects increased.
Growth of Ethereum became acceptable among the main altkoins. Its price was growing significantly during 2016 due to development of decentralized applications, organizing and carrying out the first ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Despite the hacker attack and the subsequent division into Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum classic (ETC), by the end of the year the ETH growth had almost been 300%. It is interesting, that ETC showed its viability: its price has doubled according to the results of the year.
Cryptonex (CNX) - Global Blockchain Acquiring
Cryptonex is a global, decentralized cryptocurrency, developed on its own blockchain plaƞorm. The main goal is to provide the opportunity to exchange any currencies of the world for any cryptocurrencies and tokens, buy goods and services using a mobile phone and payment cards. Instantly, with minimum commission.

Storage of CNX, BTC and Ether will be available after the web wallet launch in September. There are plans to add the most popular cryptocurrencies. Employing only one web wallet, a user gets an access to all the popular cryptocurrencies. Due to instant conversion in the backoffice, the user will avoid a long-time expectation, as it happens on many exchanges, and he/she will have the guarantee of carrying out a transaction.
If the balance of at least one kind of cryptocurrency is positive, the user is able to employ a card or a mobile application. The application will show the price both in fiat money and cryptocurrency, so the user can choose the wallet to pay from. Hardware wallet (flash drive) will be released for ensuring the security of large sums of cryptocurrencies.
Cryptonex is scheduled to be listed on the exchanges in October-November 2017. Currently, we have reached an agreement on connecting to cryptocurrency exchangers with pairs like eth / btc cnx / btc, cnx / eth, as well as with such pairs as btc / usd, cnx / usd, etc. In the future, it is planned the addition to exchanges acquiring, which can use all its functions: deposit, withdrawal of funds, payment for purchases, etc.
We will add to acquiring "long-standing", dynamically developing and the most popular cryptocurrencies.
Mining pools
After connecting the third-party mining pools, the user will be able to get a reward into the webwallet and employ all the features: making purchases in a store, etc.
Blockchain and other Internet services can be used according to their purposes by connecting to a high-speed acquiring API.
We plan to found or buy a ready-made bank in Singapore or in another country under friendly jurisdiction. The documents cost with all the licenses is $ 400 000 – 900 000. The registration takes 1–4 months (depending on the task – purchase or foundation). This includes connection to Visa / Mastercard payment systems and issuance of cards at will of clients. A mobile application with contactless payments and virtual cards will be the most preferable. There are plans to add thirdparty banks to acquiring.
Cards, virtual and real
Due to immediate exchange in the backoffice, a user instantly gets funds on a virtual or real card and can carry out payments and transactions between accounts.
Mobile application
It will include the functions of web wallet and contactless payments. It will be available for iOS and Android.
Cryptonex uses an encryption Scrypt algorithm. It protects all the transactions and wallets from external hacking. Due to our technical solution, the important files in the web wallet cannot be found by Trojans and other malicious programs.
The access can be encrypted, the password is strongly recommended to be kept in a safe place. Moreover, the mining procedure provides safety, as block closure is verified by all the nodes, and if information desynchronization takes place, a suspicious transaction is rejected. Some particular Cryptonex features are implemented in other cryptocurrencies, such as Dash debit cards and Cryptopay.

However, there is no full functionality, aggregating all the financial flows in a blockchain. Cryptonex team has integrated all the current technologies in the plaƞorm and the backoffice. This allows to carry out main operations in one place. We guarantee speed and security of transactions.
Getting Started With Cryptonex
Cryptonex (CNX) is a global, decentralized cryptocurrency created on its own blockchain. It is the world's first blockchain acquiring.
The main goal is to offer an opportunity to exchange any world currencies for cryptocurrencies and tokens, to buy goods and services using payment cards and mobile applications with contactless payments instantly and with minimum commission.
Despite the fact that Bitcoin is the world's driving digital currency starting at this moment, it is definitely not the best alternative around. A few monetary forms have been made to supplement Bitcoin in various ways. Cryptonex, then again, needs to speak to the up and coming age of decentralized digital currencies. Prevailing in this mission won't be simple.
To the vast majority, Cryptonex may give off an impression of being simply one more altcoin which may not really fill a need. In reality, in any case, the venture is significantly more eager. It is intended to wind up the go-to approach to trade any of the world's monetary standards for some other digital money or token. Moreover, the group needs to take advantage of the versatile biological community to purchase and offer merchandise. The majority of this will be accomplished through a base commission setup.
Like a portion of alternate altcoins in presence today, Cryptonex utilizes the Scrypt mining calculation. In the meantime, it offers confirmation of-stake abilities, which enables clients to clutch their coins and get remunerated for it. The utilization of evidence of-stake additionally guarantees exchanges can be finished in seconds, instead of minutes. A worldwide system of hubs will help guard the system from any outer damage also.
To connect with the group, Cryptonex has customary challenges and runs a dynamic bug abundance program. This last perspective is basic for any self-regarding cryptographic money, as code blemishes can have deplorable impacts over the long haul. Up until this point, there have been no main problems starting at yet, yet it is constantly insightful to keep a bug abundance program set up just on the off chance that things change.
The group's wander into the universe of fiat monetary forms and digital currencies will enthusiasm to watch out for. Considering that the group means to set up or purchase an instant bank later on, they may have taken on more than they could possibly deal with. This situation would likewise involve an immediate association with either Visa or Mastercard to issue installment cards.
Despite the fact that Bitcoin is the world's driving cryptographic money starting at this moment, it is definitely not the best alternative around. A few monetary standards have been made to supplement Bitcoin in various ways. Cryptonex, then again, needs to speak to the up and coming age of decentralized digital forms of money. Prevailing in this mission won't be simple.
To the vast majority, Cryptonex may have all the earmarks of being simply one more altcoin which may not really fill a need. In reality, in any case, the task is significantly more aggressive. It is intended to end up the go-to approach to trade any of the world's monetary forms for some other digital money or token. Also, the group needs to take advantage of the portable environment to purchase and offer merchandise. The majority of this will be accomplished through a base commission setup.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Cryptonex?
- Getting Started With Cryptonex
- How To Get A Cryptonex Wallet?
- Cryptonex Resources
- How To Buy Cryptonex?
- What Is Cryptonex Mining?
- Latest Cryptonex News
Like a portion of alternate altcoins in presence today, Cryptonex utilizes the Scrypt mining calculation. In the meantime, it offers evidence of-stake capacities, which enables clients to clutch their coins and get compensated for it. The utilization of verification of-stake likewise guarantees exchanges can be finished in seconds, instead of minutes. A worldwide system of hubs will help guard the system from any outside mischief also.
To draw in the group, Cryptonex has customary challenges and runs a dynamic bug abundance program. This last viewpoint is basic for any self-regarding cryptographic money, as code blemishes can have deplorable impacts over the long haul. Up until now, there have been no main problems starting at yet, however it is constantly savvy to keep a bug abundance program set up just on the off chance that things change.
The group's wander into the universe of fiat monetary standards and cryptographic forms of money will enthusiasm to watch out for. Considering that the group plans to set up or purchase an instant bank later on, they may have taken on more than they could possibly deal with. This situation would likewise involve an immediate association with either Visa or Mastercard to issue installment cards.
CNX Token
A great deal of clients have gotten Cryptonex tokens in their Ethereum wallets in the course of recent months. While these tokens are an airdrop of sorts, they can be traded for CNX tokens through the undertaking's site. This is only a motivating force to get individuals more keen on purchasing the genuine CNX tokens, despite the fact that it stays vague how the tokens can really be utilized other than for staking purposes starting at the present moment.
There is still a lot of work to be done before Cryptonex achieves its maximum capacity. For the time being, the emphasis is on improving the portable applications took after by an offer of equipment wallets for this money particularly. In the not so distant future, we will see more digital currencies and tokens be coordinated into the Cryptonex environment. By the pre-winter of 2018, the group will begin searching for a bank to get or set up for use with their future money related administrations. It will enthusiasm to check whether any of the last points of reference are come to inside the expected time period.
How To Get A Cryptonex Wallet?

The Cryptonex ICO was over on the 30th of September 2017. At the moment, already more than $17 million has been raised from over 5,000 participants and still counting. This proves the value of the platform and the success in the solution blockchain problems.
At the moment, users can download wallets for MacOS, Windows, and Linux only. After downloading the wallets. The user can store all the token they receive as rewards or as payment for services and products on the Cryptonex network. To get coins, you need to create an account first on the official website and deposit ETH or BTC.
The CNX cryptocurrency is directly involved in the global blockchain acquiring development process. The demand for the coin to grow is huge. Not only from bank partners bank also from private investors, to provide liquidity in acquiring. You can buy CNX and transfer into your wallet and keep it online for the amount of time you want to.
The POS mining yield 12% per annum + commissions from your wallet transactions. The price of the coin growth is not included in the income. It is necessary for you to register and buy CNX coins in order to get rewards from mining. Depending on the wallet balance, the fees can be deposited daily to the wallet.
Cryptonex Resources
How To Buy Cryptonex?
Cryptonex is a decentralized, global new generation cryptocurrency. It is the world’s first blockchain acquiring to be traded on the HitBTC. Cryptonex is built on its own blockchain with the main aim of offering an opportunity to users to exchange any world currencies for tokens and cryptocurrencies. People can also buy products and services using mobile application and payment cards with contactless payments instantly and with a minimum commission.
Cryptonex has four features that allow the platform to function and offer better services to users worldwide. These four features are:
Algorithm Scrypt: the Cryptonex uses Algorithm Scrypt. The Algorithm Scrypt offer high reliability, excellent Bounty programs, and PoS mining.
Importance: Cryptonex platform offer users of the platform and other people from all over the world new opportunities uniting the blockchain community.
Speed: due to the use of the PoS scheme used by Cryptonex, all transactions on the platform takes only a couple of seconds to be completed.
Stability: The network is supported by an extensive network of nodes that are located everywhere worldwide.
Many of the 'long tail' of cryptocurrencies are currently only available at a handful of exchanges, many of which will not accept direct US Dollar, GBP or EUR deposits. In order to make a trade, you need to:
- Create a Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum wallet
- Create a Cryptonex wallet to recieve your coins
- Buy either BTC, ETH or LTC at an exchange you trust, making a deposit by bank transfer or credit card
- Transfer the major coin you have bought to an exchange that trades CNX
- Exchange your BTC, ETH or LTC for an amount of CNX, depending on the current exchange rate
- Move your Cryptonex coins from the exchange to your private wallet to protect yourself from hacks or bankcrupcy at the exchange
As you can see, the process for trading Cryptonex is not entirely straightforward or without risks. Exchanges are notorious for bad security and there have been several major incidents of hacking or an exchange 'going bust' with the losses to coin holders in the hundreds of millions. It is not safe to keep coins on any exchange, yet moving between exchanges or from an exchange to your wallet will incur fees.

Furthemore, its not uncommon for exchanges to go offline during periods of high volatility - means should the price of Cryptonex crash you may find yourself unable to trade out of the currency and into a safe haven due to their site crashing.
What Is Cryptonex Mining?
Start Mining
- Download Cryptonex wallet for macOS/Windows/Linux https://cryptonex.org/
- Sign up https://wallet.cryptonex.org/users/registration
- Transfer coins from a web wallet to the wallet on your computer.
- Mining will start in an hour. It’s automatic. All you need is to keep the wallet online.
Your profit will be 12% annually + bonus reward in the form of commissions from the transactions you are the first one to confirm. The larger the amount you have, the more income you can get as mining is estimated according to the deposit interest on your wallet balance.
Depending on the wallet balance, the reward can be deposited with a different frequency. To view the approximate time of the following reward, you need to hover a cursor over the hammers icon in the lower right corner of the wallet.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Cryptonex?
- Getting Started With Cryptonex
- How To Get A Cryptonex Wallet?
- Cryptonex Resources
- How To Buy Cryptonex?
- What Is Cryptonex Mining?
- Latest Cryptonex News
The larger the amount on the balance and the longer your wallet is online, the more often the reward comes. The reward weight is not constant.
Cryptonex offers its users to get profit with the help of P-o-S mining. The profit is 12% annually + commissions from the transactions your wallet will confirm. CNX price growth is not included in the income. To get the reward from mining, you need to register a web wallet, buy CNX coins, transfer the coins to the desktop wallet and keep it online as long as possible. You no longer have to spend money on miners and video cards. Depending on the wallet balance, reward is deposited daily.
Latest Cryptonex News
Commissions and Spreads have Been Significantly Reduced
The website and backoffice are available in the following languages: Russian, Chinese, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Malay, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Arabic.
In a few days we will launch the p2p platform.