What Is Bytecoin?
Bytecoin is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency with open source code that allows everyone to take part in the Bytecoin network development. Privacy and security come naturally from using Bytecoin. The best solution for those who want to keep their financial privacy.
Instant private transactions are provided all around the world by the Bytecoin Network, they are totally untraceable, and they don’t require any additional fees.
Fiat currencies are assigned to specific territories while Bytecoin is bound to the Internet and therefore is international by default.
You can participate in the operation of the network by allocating the computing power of your computer. Due to this mechanism, transaction processing is decentralized, which allows a person to be not only a user, but also a participant.
The decision entirely your choice, you are able to choose to take part in network maintenance and get a reward for it, or buy BCN directly on exchanges.
Bytecoin Transactions
Unlike fiat money transactions where your money is carried out through an intermediary, bank, or financial institution, transactions between Bytecoin users are carried out over the Internet which makes the transactions much more reliable. Transaction privacy is protected by secure cryptographic algorithms whereby no one can identify who sent the money, who the receiver was, and what amount of money was transferred.
Safety and Reliability
The reliability of Bytecoin is defined by the total computational power of all the computers that take part in the processing of transactions. The greater the processing power, the more reliable the network.
In so doing all of the money stored in your wallet is already protected during the transaction process and its safety doesn’t depend on the network’s reliability. Your money is always safe.
Bytecoins are gradually getting more expensive over time, since the emission is limited to 184.47 billion BCN. The number of Bytecoin emitted each 120 seconds is slightly decreasing. As a result BCN gains value and the exchange rate increases.
While currencies with sharp decreases of reward per block are exposed to intense declines in network power, Bytecoin emissions are decreasing slowly, which protects the currency from economic shocks.
The emission of fiat currencies is a closed process where an issuer is engaging in its own capabilities. One can’t take part in the emission process.
Bytecoin emission is an open process which employs the computing powers of all network members. Any user can join the Bytecoin network and take part in the emission process (thus, becoming a miner).
Mining in the network results in the creation of new money, which serves as a reward for users who employ their computing power in order to process transactions.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Bytecoin?
- Getting Started With Bytecoin
- How To Get A Bytecoin Wallet?
- Bytecoin Resources
- How To Buy Bytecoin?
- How To Earn Bytecoin?
- What Is Bytecoin Mining?
- Latest Bytecoin News
All transactions are carried out every 120 seconds. The Miners ensure that the transactions are processed correctly and provide cryptographic protection of transactions and personal data. However, miners cannot access users' financial data since Bytecoin protects the identity of the sender and the receiver, and conceals the sum transferred.
Bytecoin for Customers
Bytecoin cryptocurrency works according to the principles that are radically different from ones the fiat currencies and their digital analogues use.
Alongside this it needs a modest amount of energy and human resources. This permits users to get along without transaction fees. It’s your quick start with one of the most easy-to-use cryptocurrency networks to be a part of the Bytecoin ecosystem.
Your money is safe with Bytecoin - Bytecoin is resistant to hacks. Cryptographic algorithms that we've used to power the currency are impossible to crack. Any attempt to figure out your account key would require enormous amount of resources which makes an attack unprofitable.
Bytecoin Protects your Personal Data - If you set up a high anonymity level for your transactions, nobody will know where you receive money from or where you send it. This is entirely impossible to figure out.
Instant International Zero-Fee Money Transfers - Highly-developed infrastructure allows every user from all around the world to transfer their money instantly and without fees. The only thing you need is a device connected to Internet.
Reliable Investment of your Resources - The Bytecoin emission rate is decreasing over time, which means that the value of each BCN is gradually increasing. You may join Bytecoin mining or purchase BCN on exchange. The value of your Bytecoins will only increase.
Easy to mine on an average PC - You can increase Bytecoin network security through currency mining for which you get rewards in BCN. Bytecoin algorithms offer no advantage to GPU mining which means that you can mine even with an average office computer. There is no need in buying ASIC devices.
Bytecoin For Business
Enterprise-ready solutions based on Bytecoin blockchain technology is your chance to start the safest business cooperation. We have created a currency that is convenient and reliable for businesses mostly oriented towards a digital sphere or those who'd like to renew the vision of common goods in a network sphere.
Your money is safe with Bytecoin - Bytecoin is resistant to hacks. Cryptographic algorithms that we've used to power the currency are impossible to crack. Any attempt to figure out your account key would require an enormous amount of resources which makes an attack unprofitable.
Instant International Zero-Fee Money Transfers - You can receive and make instant transactions without any fees all around the world. This is possible due to transaction processing being conducted by network users who are rewarded by the network itself. During transaction processing users have no access to the information concerning sender, receiver, or the amount of money transferred.
Reducing your Business Risks - Bytecoin is oriented towards fair and open business. The Bytecoin network offers fraud protection which makes automatic chargeback impossible. Once a deal is closed and the payment is sent no transfer can be returned automatically. The payment can be refunded only through the free will of the parties involved.
Protecting your Private Data - If you set up a high anonymity level for your transactions, nobody will know where you receive money from or where you send it. This is entirely impossible to figure out.
Convenient tools for your business - Bytecoin is an open network. All you need to join is Internet access. Detailed manuals and a simple setup allows you to accept Bytecoin hassle-free. We've made every aspect of Bytecoin as easy to use as possible.
Bytecoin for Investors
Got an idea to become an investor of a private and sustainable project? We’ve got the special solutions for those who’d like to store their funds in a private and secure way.
Profits - The annual dividend for the stakeholders XX% in USD and XX% in BTC. The Bytecoin ecosystem is extremely diverse which makes it very liquid by its nature.
Safety - You are the only one person who has access to your investments. All coins are located in your desktop wallet that exclude any gateway to them by a third party which makes your investments secure.
Privacy - Untraceable deposits and withdrawals will make your investments inaccessible in all instances. No one will know the wallet address from where the coins came from. Save your transaction history and keep your balance away from prying eyes.
Benefits - For big investors there are some more unique options to make your money work for you.
Bytecoin is the private untraceable cryptocurrency launched in 2012 and is the first enterprise-ready solution.
Fee-free instant international payments
Bytecoin network exists in the Internet and works almost as fast as the Internet itself. Some time is required to process the payment, as it requires cryptographic confirmation. It takes 2 minutes.
Your funds are reliably secure
Bytecoin protects user's money with the most secure and modern cryptographic algorithms. They are impossible to hack. The hacking attempt itself would require immense amount of expensive electricity and computational power of a supercomputer. You are the only one who can access your wallet.
Your private data is safe
Bytecoin system ensures that it is totally impossible to get information about your financial operations and wallet balance, unless you decide to reveal those. Only you can manage information that your business partners and third parties will see.
Getting Started With Bytecoin
Easy Steps To Use Bytecoin
1. Be involved in the Bytecoin Network (Join the 24/7 discussion to be aware of all the latest)
2. Pick the wallet for you. (For Desktop | In Browser)
3. Select the platform where you can Buy, Spend, or Mine Bytecoin with just one click. Read the information about possible transactions in the Trade Post in Community Forum.
How To Get A Bytecoin Wallet?
Console Wallet
Download GUI or console wallet from http://bytecoin.org
- For GUI wallet - just start it and wait until it"s synchronized with network.
- For simplewallet
1. Launch command line, navigate to Bytecoin's folder (e.g., “c:\bytecoin”)and launch “bytecoind” (Bytecoin daemon).
cd c:\bytecoin

The daemon will start synchronizing the blockchain with the Bytecoin network. This may take some time.

2a. Open another instance of command line and navigate to Bytecoin’s folder. Generate new wallet with “simplewallet”.
simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345
Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet and “12345” is the password for your new wallet.

Wallet’s response:

Type in “refresh” command and press Enter:

The wallet will start synchronizing with the daemon:

2b. Alternatively, you can open an existing wallet (instead of creating a new one).
simplewallet --wallet-file=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345
Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet and “12345” is its password.

The wallet will start synchronizing with the daemon automatically. Once finished, you will be prompted with your current balance:

3.Start mining right from the wallet using “start_mining” command. The screenshot below contains wallet’s response:

Daemon’s response:

4. You can check your current hashrate by using “show_hr” command in daemon. The daemon will start showing your current hashrate (number of hashes generated per second). Use “hide_hr” command to make the daemon stop showing hashrate:

5. To stop mining simply use “stop_mining” command either in daemon or in wallet:
6. Do not forget to properly exit the daemon and wallet by using “exit” command:
Bytecoin Resources
How To Buy Bytecoin?
1. First we need to set up a wallet to store the BCN coins you're about to buy.
You can see all the wallets available from the Bytecoin official wallet page.
Under the 'Bytecoin wallet' heading choose the correct download for your computer and click it to download the file

2. Once the file has downloaded, open it. It may be a .zip file, which means you should unzip the contents wherever you'd like to store the wallet, such as your desktop.

3. In your new wallet folder, open the file named 'bytecoinwallet'.
You may be given a warning that 'The publisher could not be verified.' Click 'Run'.

4. Your computer's firewall may ask for permission for the Bytecoin wallet to access the internet.
You must allow access for the wallet to work correctly.

5. The Bytecoin wallet is now open and syncing to the blockchain for the first time.
This will take some time, but fortunately you can still receive coins to your wallet during this process.
But first, we'll protect your new wallet with a password. Click the 'set password' button on the top left.
You will be asked to input a password. Enter a password that would be hard to guess (that you won't forget!).
Important Note: if you lose this password you lose access to your wallet and coins.

6. Now we'll backup your wallet file, just incase something happens to your computer. You wouldn't want to lose your coins because your hard drive failed.
On the top menu select file > backup wallet.
Choose where you want to save this wallet file and give it a name.
It's important that you back this file up somewhere safe (think multiple external hard drives and/or USB drives that you put somewhere secure).

7. In the Bytecoin wallet, along the top banner, click the button 'copy address'. This will copy your wallet address onto your clipboard.
Paste this address somewhere safe as we'll need it soon.

How To Earn Bytecoin?
Humankind evolved in such a way that humans have been learning to perform everyday tasks more and more efficiently, reasonable competition between old and new ways being the basis for the evolution. We know positively that there is space for improvements in any modern area of activity, including The Finances.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Bytecoin?
- Getting Started With Bytecoin
- How To Get A Bytecoin Wallet?
- Bytecoin Resources
- How To Buy Bytecoin?
- How To Earn Bytecoin?
- What Is Bytecoin Mining?
- Latest Bytecoin News
The goal of any financial system is to ensure efficient operation of a currency at minimal costs. Said operation allows for reducing fees, benefitting the end users. We believe that improving existing financial systems as well as designing and implementing new ones that would serve the same goals even more efficiently is a necessity.
Our mission is to develop a new financial system, more efficient than the existing ones, i.e. providing all the same functions at less cost for the users. We have selected the following principles as governing for this project:
The basis for our financial system is decentralized network that provides self-control for the costs required for the operation of the currency. Such approach allows the Bytecoin financial system to determine the optimum state when operating efficiency is the highest.
The Bytecoin network is developed as an open one. It means that anyone who joins it not only uses the currency, but participates in supporting the system as well.
The network protocol is developed in such a way that both specialized and non-specialized computers would show congruent efficiency when operating in the network.
Free Bytecoin
- Freebytecoin Faucet https://freebytecoin.cf/
- Cryptorials Bytecoin Faucet http://bytecoin.cryptorials.io/
- MoneyInPJ’s Bytecoin Faucet http://moneyinpjs.com/bytecoin/
- Bytecoin Community Faucet http://faucet.bytecoiner.org/
Where To Spend Bytecoin?
Cryptocurrency exchange is a service to buy and sell Bytecoins(BCN) for Bitcoins(BTC) and fiat currency. The exchange rate fluctuates in real-time based on the demand and supply of other users.

All of the most popular places where you can use your Bytecoin in a hassle free environment!

What Is Bytecoin Mining?
Bytecoin is the Next Generation cryptocurrency and the first cryptocurrency created with the CryptoNote technology. The ring signatures technology is used to provide Bytecoin with completely untraceable and anonymous transactions.
Modular code base
Build your application easily with Bytecoin source code modules. The code base was designed with the state-of-the-art standards and technologies. It's up to you weather to use Bytecoin out-of-the-box or modify its code to fit your own requirements. Playing around with Bytecoin features is a great experience.
Powerful and flexible API
Bytecoin API is multi-purpose and multi-layer to suit your particular needs. You may seamlessly integrate Bytecoin payment solution or build your own mining and wallet applications with the high-level API which provides you with the access to the core Bytecoin functions.
Bytecoin API provides access to multisignature functionality. In simple terms it requires a few parties involved in a transactions to sign it in order for the funds to be released. Multisig allows for creation of native escrow services, foundation board wallets, and services with other sophisticated money transfer requirements.
The simplest and easiest way to mine BCN is the below:
- 1) Download the minergate GUI miner for your particular Operating System on: https://minergate.com/downloads/gui
- 2) Create a minergate account with your email.
- 3) Open the GUI app and login with your email account.
- 4) Select BCN under mining and how many CPU cores you want to dedicate to mining
- 5) Select "start mining"
That's it! You are now mining Bytecoin on pool.
A few key notes:
- A) check the minergate.com dashboard for your current status. Through the day, you will see your "unconfirmed balance" grow. Once that number reaches 20 coins, it will be added to your balance for BCN. Then you'll be able to withdraw to your wallet.
- B) select the "withdraw" button and enter in your actual wallet address and send to your wallet.
- C) ignore everyone out there calling minergate a scam. They just have not done enough research or testing to really understand how it works. They also are comparing to other currencies like bitcoin that allows you super high hash rates with asics and gpus. BCN's cryptonote allows CPU and GPU mining, however, gpu mining hash rates are lower than other algorithms and people just don't understand that.
- D) Your hash rate will probably be in the range of 20 - 200 hashes per second on average CPU computers.
- E) increase your has rate for your I'd by installing on multiple computers. Most likely, this is what the top 5 people are doing.
- F) there are more advanced ways to mine on pool like with command line miners. Even the minergate CLI (Comand Line Interface) is pretty sweet.
Latest Bytecoin News
Untraceable Tokens
Cryptocurrency market has been developing drastically, bringing more and more innovations to explore. The Bytecoin team understands the importance of keeping a finger on the pulse, thus we give you an insight into the great things that kept our team busy around the clock for quite a long time.
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