What Is Ardor?
Ardor is a public blockchain platform that will allow people to utilize the blockchain technology of Nxt through the use of child chains. A child chain, which is a ‘light’ blockchain that can be customized to a certain extent, is designed to allow easy self-deploy for your own blockchain.
NXT claims that users will "not need to worry" about security, as that part is now handled by the main chain (Ardor). This is the chief innovation of Ardor. The first child chain on the Ardor platform will be Ignis for which an ongoing crowdsale has been launched.
These are some of the key features of Ardor which are note worthy:
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Ardor?
- Getting Started With Ardor
- How To Get A Ardor Wallet?
- Ardor Resources
- How To Buy Ardor?
- Latest Ardor News
- One parent chain with multiple child chains
- ARDR token is the pos token that is used in the proof-of-stake consensus, and thus provides security for all child chains. Child chain tokens are used as transactional units of value in the child chains.
- Asset Exchange, Monetary System, Aliases, Messaging, Digital Goods, Store, Voting System, Shuffling, Data, Cloud, Phasing, Account Control, Account Properties are all available on child chains with the option to restrict some features.
- Accounts are global across all child chains, and an account can have balances in each of the existing child chain coins, as well as in Ardor.
- Assets and MS currencies can be issued on any child chain, and are available for trading globally. Assets or MS currencies can optionally be restricted. And Asset dividends can be paid in any of the child chain coins.
- Coin Exchange, allows trading of child chain coins to each other, and also to the parent chain coin (ARDR).
- A transaction type to perform stock split or capital increase corporate actions.
- Crowdfunding & pruning feature is available on all child chains
- 256-bit transaction hashes (sha256 digests) are used instead as transaction identifiers.
- A new process, “bundling”, is used to group child chain transactions into a parent chain transaction (“child chain block”), which is then included in the parent chain.
- The new “Smart Phasing” feature allows the conditions for the execution of a phased transaction to be combined using AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators, in a composite voting model.
- While the Ardor platform can have multiple child chains with similar features, only the Ignis child chain will be created with no restrictions.
IGNIS and ARDR will be allocated to user accounts in the Ardor genesis block. Their distribution will be based on a one-time snapshot conducted over the Nxt blockchain, the “Ardor Genesis Snapshot”, to be performed at least two weeks after the end of the last round of the IGNIS crowdsale and shortly before the Ardor launch.
The total amount of IGNIS coins issued will be equal to half of the amount of NXT coins existing on the Nxt blockchain at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot, plus 500 M (five hundred million).
Approximately half of the IGNIS coins will be reserved and distributed automatically to the NXT holders based on their account balances at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot, at a ratio of 1 NXT : 0.5 IGNIS.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Ardor?
- Getting Started With Ardor
- How To Get A Ardor Wallet?
- Ardor Resources
- How To Buy Ardor?
- Latest Ardor News
From the remaining 500 M IGNIS, 440 M will be offered to the general public in the IGNIS crowdsale (conducted using JLRDA IOU tokens, and 60 M will be kept by Jelurida.

Ardor: “Advanced Blockchain Technology at Your Fingertips”
- Ardor is a blockchain-as-a-service platform created by Jelurida that will allow people to utilize the blockchain technology of Nxt through the use of child chains.
- Ardor is an evolution of the Nxt software that addresses issues of blockchain bloat, scalability and versatility.
- Ardor is being designed as a complete ecosystem where multiple players can interact with each other without needing to go outside the platform.
- Ardor solves the problem of having to store and process large amounts of non-essential long term data in the blockchain, by separating the tokens providing blockchain security from those used for regular transactions.
- Just like Nxt, Ardor will run as public open source software. Ardor will also be available for commercial licensing.
- For advanced users and developers familiar with the Nxt platform and considering a migration to Ardor, or those deciding which platform to choose, “we have prepared a technical feature comparison of the major differences between our two platforms.”
- Jelurida is developing its next generation scalable blockchain platform – Ardor, currently running on a testnet.
- The unique design of this platform allows the simultaneous existence of multiple blockchains, known as child chains, with many features and with their security guaranteed on a global level by the parent Ardor chain.
- The first child chain of Ardor will be the Ignis child chain which will use IGNIS tokens for its operation.
- All existing and well tested Nxt blockchain features will be available on the Ignis child chain, with multiple Ardor platform specific enhancements being added.
- The Ardor Genesis Snapshot will be performed at least two weeks after the end of the last JLRDA sale round. The launch of Ardor will therefore be done in Q4 instead of Q3, the delay being due to the complexities of setting up and running a legally compliant ICO.
- The ARDR coin distribution will be 100% based on ARDR asset balances from the Nxt blockchain, in 1:1 ratio, with each user account automatically receiving the same number of ARDR coins on the Ardor platform as the number of ARDR tokens they have at the time of the snapshot.
- ARDR tokens on the Nxt blockchain were allocated to NXT holders based on their average NXT balances during a three month period in 2016.
- ARDR tokens have been freely tradeable ever since.
- No new ARDR coins will be created.
- Since all processing will be done on the Ardor main chain, child chain creators won’t need to worry about common issues when creating a blockchain as well as securing it with enough nodes.
- Child chains will be able to utilize features currently seen in Nxt such as decentralized phasing, voting, and trading, as well as be able to interact with other child chains on the platform, including Ignis, the first child chain to be launched.
- The Ignis ICO is currently ongoing and Ardor will launch shortly after the ICO is completed.
- The Ardor Main Chain will be where all Ardor tokens (ARDR) will reside.
- The Ardor Main Chain will serve as the system that secures all child chains and processes their transactions.
- While some transactions will be possible on the Main Chain, such as exchanging ARDR from one account to the other, most features will be unavailable on the chain itself in order to improve its performance and reduce blockchain bloat.
- Because Ardor is 100% Proof-of-Stake, no additional processing will be needed for mining as no new tokens will be created. In other words, Ardor is not mineable.
- Ardor is Fast: Each block containing all child chain transactions will be processed in around 60 seconds or less.
- Ardor is Scalable: Child chain transaction data will be pruned, thus making the size of the blockchain independent of the number of child chains.
- Creating an Ardor child chain allows you to utilize the advanced blockchain technology of Nxt for your business, organization, group, or independent project.
- Native Token: All child chain transaction fees will use the token native to that child chain. Users of a child chain will not need to have any ARDR in order to participate.
- Bundling: A designated account on the child chain, such as the creating account, will collect transaction fees in the native child chain token then pay the processing fees of the child chain in ARDR to the Main Chain.
- Platform-Wide Assets: Users of any child chain will be able to hold and trade assets that exist on Ardor with all other child chains throughout the platform.
- Each child chain will be able to utilize the following decentralized features found in Nxt:
- Aliasing: Initiate transactions with easy names. All aliases will end with a period preceeding the name of the child chain.
- Data Cloud: Store data securely right on the blockchain. This can be either public or private and is time stamped.
- Account Control: Restrict access to an account or prohibit transactions without approval by multiple parties.
- Monetary System: Create customizable monetary system tokens in addition to the child chain native token
- Secure Messaging: Send encrypted messages and files without a centralized system.
- CoinShuffle: Optionally allow users to mix funds quickly and efficiently with other users’ funds to further increase privacy.
- Voting: Decentralized polling for secure and anonymous voting.
- Plugins: Plugins will be able to be installed to increase and customize functionality.
- Phasing: Create automatic conditional or unconditional transactions with deferred execution.
- Marketplace: Have a marketplace where anyone can buy and sell physical and digital items.
- “The Ardor testnet is open to everyone. The main purpose of this is to allow users to test the various features of Ardor so that the developers can fine-tune the blockchain platform for the mainnet launch in the third quarter of this year.”
- Crowdfunding feature is available on all child chains, and on each child chain the funds are collected in the corresponding coin.
- All child chain transactions will be possible to prune completely, without affecting blockchain security, thus allowing the blockchain size to be kept much smaller.
- A new node joining the network only needs to download the parent chain transactions, followed by the latest snapshot of the current system state.
- Nxt is undergoing a dramatic evolution.
- Research by the Nxt team has led to Ardor, a platform that uses child chains and incorporates all of Nxt’s latest blockchain innovations while being backed by the core developers of Nxt.
- Ardor is more than just about money: It’s about making a blockchain platform that is open to everyone, from single users all the way up to FinTech startups and governments, and one where anyone can create their own child chain and interact with the whole blockchain ecosystem. That means anyone, anywhere, will be able to utilize blockchain services with relative ease.
- Ardor will open blockchain development to organizations and individuals across the world. The high barriers to getting started with blockchain are about to vanish.
- Ardor will solve the problem of scalability by separating transactions and data that do not affect security from those that do, and moving all of those that don’t affect security onto child chains.
- The Ardor team will create the first child chain to house many Nxt 1.0 tools as well as future features.
- Building off of the Asset Exchange on Nxt, Ardor will enable the ability to trade assets on any child chain for any of the child chain tokens. This allows child chains to interact with each other and opens up numerous opportunities for collaboration as well as allow cross chain asset trading, a long-requested feature within the Nxt ecosystem.
- Ardor will be at the core of decentralized consensus in the future. Secure and anonymous voting will be an available feature on all child chains as it is on the Nxt platform.
- Users can set multiple conditions before a transaction is executed, such as a minimum number of votes and a set amount of time.
- Like Nxt, Ardor will use Smart Transactions. With this, users will only need to submit the parameters necessary for the transaction and the ID of the functionality they want to use.
- “Rather than providing smart contracts, NXT is focused on implementing the important use cases and functions directly into the core of both Nxt and Ardor. This approach has proven to be scalable and secure and will become more so when Ardor is released” – Riker
- “The community and team structure are adjusting to new demands while the Nxt and Ardor technology remains entirely open source. “
- Ardor is more than a cryptocurrency – it’s a blockchain platform specifically designed to let anyone build decentralized tools with the latest innovations in blockchain technology.
- After Ardor has launched, Nxt 1.0 will remain active and supported. Nxt 1.0 is the giant on which Ardor is built and it will remain running as a core component of the Nxt eco-system, functioning as a complete blockchain solution in its own right, as well as assisting in the development and refinement of the Ardor blockchain platform.
- Ardor Roadmap:
- Q1 2017 (done)
- Testnet launch, parent chain with multiple child chains architecture fully implemented, including UI support
- Cross-chain Coin Exchange
- Child chain block creation (“bundling”), fees in native child chain coins
- “By Holding” dividend payment transaction type
- Major rewrite and optimization of the peer networking layer
- Q2 2017 (done on development testnet)
- Implement Smart Phasing, By-Property Phasing, Asset Increase transaction
- Prepare for exporting of aliases, holdings, and account control settings from the Nxt blockchain to the IGNIS child chain
- Q3 2017
- Perform Ignis ICO
- Launch Smart Phasing, By-Property Phasing, Asset Increase transaction on public Ardor testnet
- Implement Asset Control
- Q4 2017
- Ardor mainnet launch
- Migration of ARDR balances from the Nxt blockchain asset to the Ardor Genesis block
- Spawn of the IGNIS child chain based on NXT and JLRDA balances
- Spawn of Bitswift child chain with 10% sharedrop to IGNIS holders
- Spawn of BTC, EUR, and USD pegged child chains backed by 3rd party business entities
- Q1 2018
- Ensuring Ardor is running stable in production, resolving any issues discovered post-launch
- Interviewing, hiring, and training new developers, quality assurance, and support team
- Q2 2018
- Pruning of child chain transactions and sharing of snapshot data between nodes on testnet
- Additional child chains launched on mainnet
- Q3 2018
- Pruning and snapshotting implemented on mainnet
- Support for child chain specific transaction types
- Research projects
- Child chain specific subnets to improve scalability
- Blockchain pruning of the Ardor parent chain
- Child chain specific parameters such as block times and message size
- Allow user issued child chains
- Q1 2017 (done)
- The Nxt cryptocurrency platform developed by Jelurida has been running and actively used in production for more than three years now. Its solid design and stability have been proven in practice, in addition to being subject to code reviews by independent experts.
- Implemented in Java, the leading industry standard language for financial applications, the Nxt platform allows fast development and addition of new features.
- Being a second-generation blockchain, not a clone of Bitcoin, it has been designed from scratch to serve as a platform for much more than simple money transfer transactions.
- The relative ease with which such new functionality has been added regularly by the development team every few months during the last three years proves the well-designed and flexible architecture of the platform.
- Nxt platform limitations: The Jelurida team is constantly acquiring feedback from businesses looking to use the Nxt platform, and is trying to make the Nxt platform even more flexible and scalable in the long term.
- Some limitations of the current Nxt software have been identified:
- One limitation is the need for all platform features to use the same token, i.e. the “NXT” coin, not only for the payment of transaction fees to the network, but also for most transactions that need to use some token to measure value, e.g. pricing of asset exchange ask/bid orders, prices of digital goods listed on the marketplace, exchange rates of monetary system currencies.
- Another limitation of the current Nxt design, which is common for all other blockchain platforms too, is the so-called blockchain bloat.
- While at the current transaction processing rate bloat is not yet a problem, and we have come up with several innovative solutions to reduce it even more (such as prunable data – allowing optional removal of data from the blockchain, yet when needed automatically restoring such data in a trustless manner from archival nodes), bloat is a serious issue that must be solved in a fundamental way, in order for a blockchain platform to be future-proof and scalable.
- The Jelurida developers have identified an elegant solution that allows addressing the above limitations of the current Nxt software, while building upon existing design and code, and reusing the time-tested platform features without having to re-implement them.
- The architecture of the next generation Nxt platform – Nxt 2.0, now known as “Ardor”, takes the system further, provides scalability, makes it even more flexible, yet preserves its security and stability.
- The fundamental concept of the Ardor design is a clean separation between “forging token” and “transactional token”.
- In Nxt, it is the NXT coin that serves this dual purpose, being used both to determine forging stake, i.e. the right of an account to generate blocks, and to execute all kinds of value-transfer transactions, i.e. represent unit of value. In Ardor, a separation of these two functions is used to achieve both much greater scalability, by reducing blockchain bloat, and flexibility, by allowing multiple other transactional tokens to be used, in effect allowing custom “child chains” to exist and run on the same network of nodes.
- In the Ardor Platform, the single blockchain is replaced by a combination of one forging chain, on which transactions are denominated in one token (Ardor), and multiple child chains, each having its own transactional token.
- The forging chain supports a very limited set of allowed transaction types, such as transfer of Ardor from one account to another, trading of Ardor to each of the child chain tokens and back, leasing Ardor balances to other accounts for the purpose of forging, and a special type of “ChildChainBlock” transactions.
- The forging power of each account depends on its Ardor balance, in exactly the same way it depends on the NXT balance in the Nxt platform, the consensus model remaining unchanged.
- All transactions that change Ardor balances are recorded on the forging chain, and therefore downloading and re-processing the transactions from the forging chain provides exactly the same proof-of-stake security as the current Nxt platform.
- All transactions that modify child chain token balances only, or any other account holdings (such as assets or currencies), are not recorded on the forging chain, but only on their corresponding child chains. Thus, removal (“pruning”) of those child chain transactions after they are no longer needed, does not affect the blockchain security, as validity of Ardor account balances can always be verified in a trustless manner by each node.
- The validity of child-chain transactions and account balances (in native tokens) is ensured by anchoring them to the forging chain by means of the ChildChainBlock transaction.
- This special transaction type contains as an attachment a list of one or more transactions belonging to a single child chain, i.e. denominated in that child chain native token, with their execution affecting only account balances and holdings on that chain.
- In effect, such an attachment represents a “block” on the child chain, although no actual forging (block generation) is done on child chains. But those attachments are linked to the ChildChainBlock transaction by means of a cryptographic hash only, thus allowing the transaction signature verification to be performed even after the actual content of the attachment has been pruned after some time.
- This is building upon design and technology already implemented and in production use on the current Nxt platform – in the form of prunable messages, and prunable data (“data cloud”), and a network of special purpose archival nodes to store them.
- Each node running the Ardor blockchain validates the transactions from all child chains, before they are pruned.
- All transactions from all chains must be processed by all nodes.
- All nodes carry all child chain transactions for the last 1440 blocks, until their expiration deadline, or phasing finish height, whichever is longer.
- Child chain transactions will be pruned completely on nodes not configured to archive them longer than this minimum retention period, but archival nodes can opt to store one or more child chains longer, or indefinitely.
- Periodically, each node will calculate a snapshot of the state of all derived objects, and a hash of this snapshot will be included in the current block by its forger.
- Fees on child chains are denominated in the chains native tokens, but the forging chain block forgers still accept fees in the forging token (Ardor) only.
- To convert fees collected in child chain tokens to Ardor, the role of “bundlers”, or ChildChainBlock creators, has been introduced.
- Any account can serve as a creator of a childchain block, provided it is willing to accept the fees (in native token) collected from the transactions in the childchain block, and in exchange pay the required fee (in Ardor) to the forging chain block forger. This establishes a market rate for child chain token to Ardor token.
- Child chains compete with each other for inclusion into a block, since at the end the forgers will still look at the fee/size ratio for each transaction and will want to maximize their forging profits, subject to main chain block size and transaction numbers limits.
- “The scalability benefit provided should be obvious.”
- A new node downloading the blockchain only needs to download and process the transactions from the forging chain, and the latest state snapshot.
- No validation and processing of any old child chain transactions will be needed, resulting in huge performance gains and storage space savings.
- Old transactions from all child chains can be pruned, and kept only on archival nodes, which in the future can specialize as commercial service providers, to provide this archival function for a fee, yet in a trustless way.
- Each Ardor child chain has its own native transactional token, which will have independent market value, or could be pegged by the child chain creator to an external unit of value (e.g. BTC, a fiat currency, or some other asset).
- A child chain creator can sponsor their chain, by covering fees for the users, even for a token that otherwise does not have a market value.
- Child chains can enforce further rules on transactions denominated in their token, such as permissioning, limiting which accounts are authorized to issue specific transaction types, in order to e.g. comply with KYC rules for a child chain pegged to a fiat currency, or assets marketed to a jurisdiction imposing additional restrictions on who can trade them.
- As there is no forging on child chains themselves, it doesn’t matter if a child chain has only a few active users and not many transactions per day.
- A small business that needs a blockchain no longer needs to run their own servers and forging nodes.
- The forging chain guarantees security for all child chains, and collects fees from them. In return, each of the child chains gets the ability to be pruned.
- Child chains no longer need to keep all their old data going back to genesis in order to be secure, because they do not forge.
- A child chain, which is a ‘light’ blockchain that can be customised to a certain extent, is designed to allow easy self-deploy for your own blockchain.
- Nxt claim that users will “not need to worry” about security, as that part is now handled by the main blockchain. This is the chief innovation of Ardor.
- As the first Blockchain 2.0 platform, the community has continually improved Nxt and now looks forward to release Ardor for companies, organizations, and of course, users.
- The main idea behind NXT’s Smart Transaction templates is to provide a low-risk, low-cost opportunity to implement Blockchain smart contracts, leaving little room for human error, compared, for example, to Ethereum’s freeform smart contracts.
- “The templates are designed to work like Lego, essentially, while Ethereum is like clay. With Ethereum, every piece needs to be built from scratch, then molded. Any imperfections cause damage later. With NXT, the lego pieces are already tested and secure. You need only assemble them in the right combination to achieve whatever goal you have. The right combination of Smart Transactions, as we call them, can accomplish a variety of goals.” – Mitchell Loureiro, NXT
- As soon as Ardor launches there will be another one time snapshot of all NXT accounts where every NXT holder will get 0.5 IGNIS Coins (the first child chain on Ardor). The other half of the IGNIS coins will be sold in an ICO.
- Ardor uses a Proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism (NXT was the first blockchain to fully implement this).
- In light of China’s recent ban on crypto exchanges, and maybe also on mining operations in the near future, Ardor’s PoS approach could make it a more censorship-resistant platform as it doesn’t rely on mining factories, which could prove to be a lucrative centralized target to censor.
- Ardor is a platform well suited for running ICOs — anyone is able to create a new currency and issue an ICO in a few minutes, making it a more accessible alternative to Ethereum.
- Ardor is the main chain, or parent chain. It’s a small, lightweight chain whose main job is to ensure the security of the whole network.
- An Ardor child chain is the equivalent of an ERC20 token, which blockchain startups use to launch a new project on Ethereum. But Ardor’s child chains providing richer functionality out of the box.
- Aside from Ethereum, competitors in the Blockchain-as-a-Service arena include the likes of Stratis, Lisk and Ark, to name a few. Although technically quite different from Ardor, they solve some of the same problems. Jelurida does, however, believe that its parent/child chain architecture is currently unique in the blockchain space and that the high level of interoperability it allows for between child chains will be a door-opener for even more use cases than its competition can offer.
- The primary markets for Ardor are:
- Bittrex (currency pair ARDR/BTC)
- BTC38 (currency pair ARDR/CNY)
- Poloniex (currency pair ARDR/BTC)
- The Twitter handle for Ardor is: @ArdorPlatform
- Market cap history:
- On October 18th, 2016, Ardor closed the day at $19,051,900.
- April 17th, 2017: Ardor reached market cap $26,006,300.
- April 30th, 2017: Ardor reached market cap $50,277,600.
- May 19th, 2017: Ardor reached market cap $123,862,000.
- June 14th, 2017: Ardor reached market cap $200,685,000.
- June 24th, 2017: Ardor reached a market cap high of $273,983,000.
Getting Started With Ardor
The Ardor Blockchain-as-a-Service Platform was created by Jelurida using the proven features of the solid, reliable Nxt blockchain technology. Ardor extends Nxt for use in certain applications that require scalability and want to avoid “mining” required by some developing blockchains.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Ardor?
- Getting Started With Ardor
- How To Get A Ardor Wallet?
- Ardor Resources
- How To Buy Ardor?
- Latest Ardor News
There are two parts to the Ardor Platform—the Ardor main chain and child chains that are the distinct blockchains created for business with use-specific features and applications.
The Ardor main chain is the blockchain that will secure all of the child chains and process their transactions. Some transactions will take place on the Ardor main blockchain like the exchange of the Ardor token (ARDR) from one account to another.
The features on the Ardor main blockchain are limited to improve performance and to reduce the blockchain bloat that occurs with the accumulated storage of information.
The Ardor Platform improves blockchain performance by reducing bloat and solving the blockchain scalability problem.
Ardor operates as a Main Chain securing individual and unique child chains.
Ardor is 100% Proof-of-Stake so no additional processing will be needed for mining as all tokens have already been created.
Fast - Each block containing all child chain transactions will be processed in around 60 seconds or less.
Scalable - Child chain transaction data will be pruned to reduce the size of the blockchain.
Secure - Ardor was by Jelurida, the company of the core development team of Nxt, a blockchain with years of proven security and stability.
IGNIS is the first childchain on Ardor and will be available on the official launch of Ardor.
IGNIS will distributed automatically to NXT accounts at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot at 1 NXT = 0.5 IGNIS ratio.
The first child chain of Ardor will be the Ignis child chain. IGNIS tokens will be used for its operation. All existing and well tested Nxt blockchain features will be available on the Ignis child chain with the addition of Ardor platform specific enhancements.
IGNIS and ARDR coins will be distributed to qualifying user accounts in the Ardor Genesis Block. There will be a one-time snapshot of the Nxt blockchain (the "Ardor Genesis Snapshot".) The Snapshot is planned for Nxt block height 1630000 and expected to occur around Dec 25th, 2017.
The snapshot will determine NXT account balances and half of all IGNIS coins will be distributed automatically at 1 NXT = 0.5 IGNIS ratio.
The Ardor production software release will be done shortly after the snapshot, with the blockchain scheduled to start exactly on Jan 1, 2018, 00:00:00 UTC.
The IGNIS Token Sale
The other half of the IGNIS coin supply was partially used by Jelurida to conduct a successful IGNIS Token Sale over a period of three months from Aug 05, 2017- Nov 04, 2017. The ICO generated 167 million NXT which were partially converted to fiat, Bitcoin, and Ardor.
The total proceeds were over $15,00, 000. These funds will be used for the further development, maintenance, advancement and world-wide promotion of the Nxt and Ardor blockchain platforms and protecting the intellectual property of the code base.
The token sale was conducted on the Nxt blockchain platform, using a "controllable currency" called JLRDA. For 1 JLRDA token the participants in the ICO will receive 1 IGNIS coin at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot. See the IGNIS Token Sale Whitepaper for a detailed overview of the IGNIS crowdsale.
Nxt is an advanced open source application platform which expands the things you can do with a blockchain.
Ardor builds on the proven technology of NXT and adds new features like pruning and childchain creation.
How To Get A Ardor Wallet?
Ardor is a next-gen blockchain platform based on the successful experience of Nxt. The Ardor blockchain has unlimited scalability and supports safe smart contracts. One of key features of Ardor is a so-called Child-Chain.
This is the element of the blockchain allowing to build decentralized applications without down-time, censorship or any unwanted interference. Child Chains provide a low-cost and stable ecosystem and connect to other chains thus making the main Ardor blockchain. The system can be used for any purposes as well as personal and public ones.
How to exchange Ardor to BTC
Now let’s see how you can exchange Ardor to BTC on Changelly. The principle is the same as with other cryptos.
1. First, you need to go to the homepage and select the amount of ARDR (or other crypto) you wanna exchange to BTC. You’ll see the estimated rate on the right. Notice that it may differ from the final rate.

2. Carefully check the amount and other details.

3. In the field ‘BTC address’ paste the address of the BTC wallet you want to get your coins.

4. Check the details: the amount, the estimated rate and go next.

5. Now you need to send your ARDR to the given address. In one transaction. Note, if you send less than the amount intended, you’ll get less amount of BTC and vice versa.

6. Go to Poloniex and type the amount of ARDR to withdraw. Specify the address given.

7. Wait until your payment is finished. In the history tab on Changelly, you may see the status of your transaction.

8. Done! You get a receipt with the final amount and other information including a transaction number and its hash. This is a proof that the transaction is finished.

9. Now open your BTC wallet and make sure, you’ve received your Bitcoins.

That’s it. You don’t need additional messages to get your transaction finished.
Ardor Resources
How To Buy Ardor?
Ardor is the following step in the evolution of Nxt: a new parent/childchain architecture that will allow multiple, customisable, user-created blockchains to run in parallel with each other. The Ardor asset tokens have now been distributed to all NXT holders in proportion to their NXT account balances, at the end of a 3 month account snapshot process.
These tokens will be transferred to the main Ardor blockchain when Ardor goes live, in mid-2017. If you held NXT on a main blockchain account in the last 3 months you will aready have received some Ardor, but if you wish to buy some more Ardor there are a range of options.
This is the Ardor asset:
Asset ID: 12422608354438203866
This is issued by account:
Accept no substitutes for this asset! It is the only official Ardor asset and will, when the Ardor blockchain goes live in 2017, be swapped for ‘real’ Ardor on the new blockchain. It is intended that the Ardor asset be traded freely up until then, thus ensuring widespread distribution for the new Ardor platform.
Be careful when trading, there are always people who like to take advantage of the excitement around a new system launch to be dishonest, so check carefully before you buy, especially if the offer is being made via a marketplace or a personal one-to-one deal.
The Nxt Asset Exchange
This is the first place that Ardor will be available, and is accessible via the main Nxt client.
Download and install guides are here.
Once you have the NRS (Nxt Reference Software) client up and running, you will be immediately able to connect to other peers to create an account and make transactions while the blockchain downloads in the background. Please pay careful attention to the account creation process, particularly in choosing (and securely storing) a STRONG passphrase.
- Overview - Table of Contents
- What Is Ardor?
- Getting Started With Ardor
- How To Get A Ardor Wallet?
- Ardor Resources
- How To Buy Ardor?
- Latest Ardor News
Fron the NRS main screen, click on Asset Exchange in the left toolbar, then on Add Asset, enter the Ardor ID in the search box: 12422608354438203866, click Add Asset, then you will see:
Using this interface you can safely trade ARDR<>NXT on the Nxt blockchain itself. The interface is simple and intutive to use. Please note that as this is a blockchain based system, updates occur at one minute intervals with each new block.
Light wallet
For the people who wish to buy into Ardor and Nxt without having to set up their own client and account, MyNxt will also immediately allow Ardor trading: https://wallet.mynxt.info/
MyNxt has an light wallet that allows you (via a plug-in) to access the Nxt Asset Exchange as shown above. All trading is in Nxt. Note that accounts created via MyNxt can be easily exported to the main blockchain, so are not lost even if MyNxt itself goes offline
If you wish to buy directly into Ardor with Bitcoin (or fiat, or other crypto-currencies), you will have to go to a third party service, such as an exchange or ‘shift’ platform.
Major cryptocurrency exchanges are opening Ardor markets now and over the next few days, right now the list of exchanges that offer Ardor trading are:
Latest Ardor News
The National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, has developed and successfully tested an e-proxy voting system running on a distributed ledger built with Nxt blockchain. The NSD, a member of the Moscow Exchange, is a Russian nonbanking credit organization, Russia’s central depository and a professional securities market player.