Bitcoin Unlimited Signaled By Antpool

Last Monday, there has been a lot of talking about Bitcoin block size when Antpool is officially on the fray. The biggest mining pool is now checking for Bitcoin Unlimited or BU.
Being Bitcoin's largest mining hashrate which has current hashrate of 15.28% of the overall mining power, Antpool is in control of the largest part of it.
Knowing that they are slowing down on signaling to any BTC client, the pool starting to mine their first BU-signaling block, on Monday the number is 456039. Antpool mined 5 BU-signaling blocks in total at press time which represents a third on total number during that time on the pool that they are mining.
The following blocks will be track on few different sites and example is Coin Dance that is showing BU's high achievement at twenty-two percent which also got down on previous part of those days. Segwit has been almost overtaken by the BU's total block number which is a bit creepy once again.

How Signaling Works
Bitcoin users should think couple of times if they have thoughts on upgrading from Bitcoin to Bitcoin Unlimited or Segwit or any Bitcoin version, one thing to consider is editing their mining software in making a tiny mark on the mined blocks.
The purpose of this tiny flag is to tell the world on the choice of their client software and it's called versionbit. The votes can only be cast by Bitcoin miners and only if they have successful block that has been mine.
At the point when enough pieces are mined and motioned with the same versionbit, the new customer programming can be securely redesigned by those diggers with little dread of the system part into two diverse Bitcoins.
In any case, if the mineworkers endeavor to move up to another, contrary form of Bitcoin before enough diggers are flagging a similar adaptation, Bitcoin could part into at least two diverse Bitcoins, similar to Ethereum's blockchain part the previous summer.
Such a move could demolish speculator trust in Bitcoin, a destiny that a great many people need to keep away from.
Why Today?
The reason why they are not revealing in starting BU signaling has not been told by Jihan Wu, Bitmain CEO who runs Antpool company.
On this regard, Bitcoin community started to have perception that this is just strategy in response with the newly calls on UASF or User Activated Soft Pork which will be in theory to transfer those power of the next Bitcoin version of signaling away from miners of Bitcoin in the hands of the operators of nodes.
Wu opposed the idea and tweeted his reaction soon after the thought was proposed. "UASF will part the blockchain and make 2 or 3 sorts of Bitcoin if lion's share diggers vote "no". Trades ought to be watchful", Wu tweeted.