Bar Kayma

The Bar Kayma is a sustainable vegan restaurant and bar owned by the cooperative, proud to have about 450 members so far (a number that increases daily…) with a rich and healthy menu and many interesting activities taking place on a daily and weekly basis.

The Bar Kayma was originally established at July 2012 to perform in practice the change we wish to see in society, in Israel as well as in the world. It is the result of mutual work of hundreds of men and woman, who joined together to form a social, cooperative business that maintains values as helping the community, compassion for the weak, quality of the environment - which changes and develops by and for its community.

We believe that economy, society and the environment are inseparable and that an ongoing, mutual overview of the connections between those three elements is the key to create a more sustainable world.

That is how we fulfill this idea in practice:


Besides the fact that our whole financial model is cooperative- Bar Kayma is owned by its entire community- we also provide a platform for small, local businesses to sell their products in our store!

Bar Kayma also supports alternative currencies such as Bitcoin, and community based currencies such as Shefa.


Most of our furniture were built from reused materials. The bar does not use disposable beer coaters and stirrers, and will supply a plastic straw only if you ask for it. The menu is, of course, all vegan and the products sold in the store are ecological. We do not sell mineral water, and do not support industries such as Coca Kola.

On our roof stands a teaching center for urban agriculture and permaculture, together with a beautiful edible garden and composters for the kitchen waste.


The cooperative model replaces the pyramid structure of the business world with a circle! When the workers and the costumers are the owners of the business- no one can step over one another. Everyone works together to create an operating model which serves everybody's' interests!

'Makom Lashevet' (which means in free translation: a place to site/ for the tribe' at our second floor is a community center. There we hold lectures and workshops in a wide verity of subjects who are opened to the wide public on donation basis. The space is also available for renting for private events.

Bar Kayma provides advice and support to uprising cooperatives country wide!


The Restaurant & Bar:

The first cooperative decision was to serve vegan food. We found it obvious that the food we offer should be considerate- towards our environment and to all living creatures of this world.

Another step in the way to considerate nutrition was the decision not to support industries such as mineral water and Coca kola. Instead, on the beverages side - we offer freshly squeezed juices, unique, tasty and healthy smoothies, etc. If you haven't tasted the Halve Shake yet – you're loosing out!

Most of our food and is not processed in a factory. The sauces, vegan cheeses and even the ketchup as well as our - are all freshly made in our kitchen!

The Store:

Bar Kayma seeks to provide sustainable alternatives to basic household needs. In the store you can find:

  • Vegan cheeses
  • Gluten free flower
  • Vegan food for pets
  • Ecological soaps and perfumes
  • Vegan condoms (yes, even that… ☺)

When you buy in our store you're sure to buy local products and support small local businesses.

The Catering:

We wanted to create a catering service with value added. As the restaurant, our catering also provides considerate nutrition. The menu is entirely vegan, and contains plenty gluten free options.

Even the tableware we use is completely biodegradable.

The Music Shows:

On the cultural side - Bar kayma is a home for musicians. Every Monday nights and sometimes Friday noons - we host original musicians. The entrance is free for all! During the show we pass a “magic box”, and all donations go directly to the artists.

The Second Floor:

We believe that everyone is entitled to education and knowledge. That is why our second floor community center hosts workshops and lectures in a variety of subjects. Everyone can enter on a “magic box” basis. Everyone with an interesting topic can give a lecture. We also host open work days, workshops and courses.

The Green Roof:

Our green roof is a teaching and education center for permaculture and urban ecology. Besides the beautiful edible garden, you'll find here composters that deal with the kitchen waste, vertical gardening, sub irrigation systems, water purification systems and much more!